Showing posts with label library publicity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library publicity. Show all posts

Friday, October 21, 2022

Going back to work?

 I am officially retired for going on 3 years , but recently have been " helping out ' in my local public library.  They had two people out on medical leave, and now two more staff on vacation. So I am Temporary Manager for a  5 hours a day when I am most needed to cover lunches / dinners. ect. It is a 3 minute commute so it is really a dream to go to work. ( I only ever once before had a 3 minute commute when I worked at my school ( where I went to school)  before it was closed.

So I am getting used to all the circ programs ( which I had done before when I was Branch manager at another location - a 25 minute commute) .  It is great to be where all the books are- I have been going there for my books which I have done for years! And best of all I got to order the children's /ya books which of course is my specialty!

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Library Web Page-What is on it?

  I think it is a good idea to periodically check  your Library Web Page. 

1. Are all the links working?  Check the databases or  give student helpers a job and check them. Check other links as well. Sometimes students or teachers may tell you, but more than likely they will just turn to something else on the page or go to Google. 

2. How does the catalog look? is is up to date-sometimes just changing the background if you can , will grab some more attention.

3.If you have a place for comments or questions, check those at least weekly. Or if you have a place for student comments, that needs to be checked.( Glogster, Library Blog, ect)

4. If you have a review section, add reviews weekly. Some catalogs let students review which is a great tool.

5. If you use Google Classroom- make sure it is linking up correctly and looks right.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Librarian and the Principal

   Advocate for your library and its programs and increase your influence with your principal. This is one sure way to make sure your principal doesn't want to close the doors on your library. Think of your principal . What does he/she need? What materials and services would be helpful to them? What do they care about? What makes them successful?  What does the principal want to accomplish?

   Influence come when the school librarian  helps solve the principal's and staff members problems or help them achieve their goals.  So, begin by finding out your principals objectives and concerns. In addition to your annual and monthly reports. speak to you principals about what they want to see happening  in the schools. Are you helping to achieve the goals of the school and the students?

 This will go along way to keeping your programs alive!

Friday, October 27, 2017

Library Webpage and your Calendar

   I wrote a while ago on what you should have on your library webpage.  At the middle school level, I am finding that I update my webpage probably at least once a week.
  Each time a class reserves the library or my time for inquiry, research, or project based learning, I put the scheduled classes on my library calendar (and in my plan book). Also each time there is a department meeting or a professional development day at the library I put that in also. The other thing I put on the library calendar art e book clubs, and any other special actives that are held in the library.

  The Calendar is  important to my page because   teachers and students can see  what is going on in the library, and if the library might be available to use.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

December January Bulletin Board


                   I hope you can see this as the light makes a glare , but this is my Dec/ Jan bulletin board.
It has a blue background with gold letters " Lets read til we get snowed under" Every time it snows I will add a few flakes or many depending on the amount of snow. Every week I will have the 8th grade announcers announce  "If you notice something about the bulletin board by the library , stop in to tell us." Students with the right response will pick from the prize box.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

National LIbrary Card Month- September

September is National Library Card sign up month.  Now is a good time to start planning how to get the word out to the community members.  They probably do not realize how many resources and programs can be found at their local library!
  September is also a good time to remind parents that the library is a big help to students in their educational life.  Snoopy ( from the Peanuts comic strip) is the promotional characrer this year.  To learn more and get access to some promotional material ( Proclamation, graphics, ect) visit the ALA website.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Successful strategies for PR

   Library's and their staff strive to develop promotions that catch the attention of patrons and future patrons. We want to draw both types of patrons  to our programs and events.

  So what can we do? With a little thought we can develop strategies that work for our communities. Here are a few:

 1) Eye catching book displays, add to that a poster to emphasize and clarify what the display is about.

2) Well designed flyers and newsletters. They should have details about programs , events, and resources.

3) Your website for the library. Make it interactive, interesting and information, Add a blog, podcast, photos,- anything to attract and hold patrons attention.

4) Advertising?  If you can afford it ,use local papers and radio stations, Promote the library, programs , events and resources,  Some local media welcome library information in press releases. They may also provide  a space or time for a library column or library spot.

5) Friends Groups- This group may host programs,. collect funds, and and help promote the library.

6)  Staff members  are a gold mine! Make sure they are knowledgeable and enthusiastic and can discuss and promote programs, resources, events and exhibits,

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Library Publicity - Part 2

   Before publicizing your library, find out what products and services your patrons want. Do research on this through surveys, questionnaires , and informal discussions.  While you are in this stage, you also want to find out how your patrons perceive the library.

   Develop goals and objectives bases on your mission, and on the results of research on what patrons want and expect.  Select strateg9es that will help promote  the products and services . You want to find strategies that work best, are affordable, and reach your patrons.

  Create a plan of action that outlines each step needed to carry out the publicity plan.  Publicity and marketing can help you establish a positive image for the library in the community. along with the improved image, Pr and marketing will help patrons to feel a part of the library community and therefore they will become more involved in the library's resources, programs, and events, and special exhibits.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Library Publicity

  Help your library's image by using PR ( Public Relations) to establish the library's position in the community.  Public Libraries provide services and programs that support the community in many ways.

   PR  encompasses communication  and helps  establish a clear identity.  this sends a clear message about the library's mission and goals.

  As a school librarian I always  believed in having a library mission.  As part of a library system in a public library, I believe the mission statement is even more important.!

  Review you library's mission statement, library values, and philosophy of service. And if you dona;t have  a mission, work on this first and foremost.  This will serve to guide you in your public relation's   goal of getting the word out about  your library.

   When doing PR, keep in mind the unique contribution that the library makes to the community, Your patrons ( and how they use the library)  and the many sources of information  that you have available .

  Your PR depends on theses items to five it focus and form.  Keeping this information in mind when determining how you will precede and carry out your PR and marketing plan.l

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Publicity for Public Library Programs

  When  we are thinking  of publicity for the library and its programs , we need to  be customer ( patron) orientated.  We are selling the library and its programs.

  Our goal is to get the word out about the library in general or on a specific programs.  We need to deliver a clear message about what is new and exciting .

  Our  focus should be on  free ways to promote and inform  the public . 

Some ideas to consider:

1. Establish  favorable press relations with the local media so as to get news of the library and programs out on a regular basis,  ( Think daily, weekly newspapers and publications- shoppers, arts news, , also local radio stations)

2. Represent the library by participating in community groups, planning committees,  and other organizations  to establish the library as a player in community  growth.

3. Develop an identity and image. ( Think Logo,  slogan)   Communicate  library goals  and  mission to the community. Know what you have to offer and continually  be on the look out for ways to  tell / show/  what the library can do for the community!

  This is an important topic, so I will continue to think about library publicity  , learn more, and write more,
  What are your ideas on libraries and publicity? I would love to hear from you!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Why Should you Blog?

     As a school librarian and educator , you should seriously consider blogging. Why? By blogging, you stay connected to both educators and students. A blog specific to your library is a great way to advocate and promote the power of the library and its services and programs.
     By blogging, posting, photos (  365 Project- see May 1, 2013) , videos, and slide shows you can show library life, student work and projects, and what activities / programs that are going on at your library.

     Hopefully, students and staff will be reading the blog and writing/responding to different posts. Invite students and staff to do guest post on research, project's, web tool,  or books they have read. By hosting the students works , more and more students, staff, parents, and the community will be seeing what is happening at your library.
    Blogging builds a connected community of readers and learners. Bogs are used  by many as a literacy and learning tool: read posts, write comments, and access useful information. In the contents of theses activities, many skill can be learned and reinforced.

    Blogs open us the world to students allowing them to share and motivating their  writing to new levels and letting them voice their opinions.
 So start your blogs and get your students and staff involved!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What Administrators want from their Librarian

What Administrators want from their Librarian- continued from Saturday

      As librarians  we are leaders in our schools. Although we are leading from the middle, we need to be active in many aspects of the school community.  Many administrators do no see us as leaders but we need to start being more involved with student learning. With the emphasis on the Common Core, this is the perfect time for us to stand up and begin  to show our presence and importance . Get active on school committees  and building initiatives.   Think of this and let me know what you do to be a visable force in your school.     
    How can Librarians lead from the middle? Librarians can be leaders in many ways. By  maintaining their collections and bringing new resources to teachers we are support people. But by assisting with lessons and helping develop  units and lessons to revolve around the common core ( or whatever latest buzz words in the educational scene) we begin to offer ourselves as  leaders in the educational scene of the school.
    Also by infusing new technology  and web 2.0 tools into our lessons , and teaching teachers to use these new tools we also begin to show how  librarians change the school community. Start with your classes , and then branch out - try something with just one or two other willing teachers. Their success will provide you with either others asking you to do the same, and word will get out that you are a collaborator. 
   Plan a short  speech about what you have done for your next faculty meeting, and offer to help with others. Showcase your website or one of your databases at another meeting.  Keep it going- Be visible, be vocal about what you can do to help teachers and students.  Be a leader!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

What Administrators want from their Librarian

      As librarians  we are leaders in our schools. Although we are leading from the middle, we need to be active in many aspects of the school community.  Many administrators do no see us as leaders but we need to start being more involved with student learning. With the emphasis on the Common Core, this is the perfect time for us to stand up and begin  to show our presence and importance . Get active on the school committees  and building initiatives.   Think of this and let me know what you do to be a visable force in your school.
      Discussion on this thread to be continued on Tuesday.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

School Libraries Work- Scholastic

Today - another snow day- even though it is really mostly freezing rain and ice, there was a little snow and snow left over from yesterday. I have included a link from Scholastic . Their study includes many great talking points about the importance of school libraries and librarians. This document should be in every administrators need to read pile. Send one to your administrators and then also follow up with a meeting to discuss some of the points. We need to be proactive and show our importance to the school community

School Libraries Work

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Article for Newsletter- Part 2

Here is the second section of my article for the school

Library Website

Students at SW elementary do not have to be in the physical library to receive some of the library services. The library website has information and links to the online card catalog so that students may see what books are available in the library. There are also links to the online databases provided by the district and also SC BOCES. ( World Book, Grolier, ect) Students can use these reliable links in their search for accurate information for school projects and personal interest.
Other links on the Website for student use are a library blog and the library wall wisher where students can leave comments and conversations about books.
The VoiceThreads link is where students can produce book commercials and book promotions of library books they have read or research they have conducted on a project.
There is also a student favorite portal that Mrs. Couture has developed over many years. This portal has many links to websites useful to students and staff.

Reading Motivation Programs

At SW Elementary, the library staff hold at least two annual reading challenges. The Caldecott Challenge is a 3rd grade reading grade reading challenge. For one month, students are to read ( or be read to) as many Caldecott Award Winning books as possible. The student and their parents keep track of books read. If there is a class where all students participate and read at least twelve tiles, the class receives a Pizza Party. Prizes are also given to the reader from each class that reads the most Caldecott Books.

The Battle of the Books is a team reading challenge for students in grades 4-6. Teams are formed in October. Students begin reading and keeping tack of 30 titles on the list. At the end of March, the first round is held where questions about each book are given. Teams with the Highest score go on to a second round, where a wining team and runners up are declared.
In the 94 library, (grade 4-6), there is a Student Starred Books Shelf. These are books that students give stars to because they have enjoyed them and they would recommend them to other students to read. Students like to recommend books and also can grab a quick book that they know will be a good one.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Article for Newsletter- Part 1

This is the first part of the newsletter that I had sent into our PR person last week. They are doing an 'Educational Issues" letter and wanted some input for that issue. I am always happy to do this because it gives information about what we do in the library

Sullivan West Elementary Library – Reading and learning is where it’s at!
For District News letter

At Sullivan West Elementary School, students and staff have access to two libraries for their use. Each library has colorful displays of posters and books to encourage and excite students about books, learning, and reading. The ’39 library is used primarily by students in grades PK-3. Students in grades 4-6 use the ’94 library which is next to the computer room on the first floor.

Classes and Learning
Students in grades PK- 3 have library classes once very six days. (We are on a 6 day A-F cycle). Mrs. Hector, SW library teacher’s assistant, holds K-3 classes and provides students with read a-louds, library extension activities, and book check out.
Mrs. Couture, School Library Media Specialist, works primarily in the 4-6 library. She teaches fourth grade classes with a fixed scheduled. They learn about different genres, arrangement of books, use of print reference tools, on line card catalog, online Databases, and research skills. On a flexible schedule, Mrs. Couture works with the teachers in grades 5 and 6 to integrate library and technology skills based research into ELA, science, and social studies curriculum. Students also check out books, and use the library computers to do word processing and projects.