Showing posts with label public library resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label public library resources. Show all posts

Friday, October 21, 2022

Going back to work?

 I am officially retired for going on 3 years , but recently have been " helping out ' in my local public library.  They had two people out on medical leave, and now two more staff on vacation. So I am Temporary Manager for a  5 hours a day when I am most needed to cover lunches / dinners. ect. It is a 3 minute commute so it is really a dream to go to work. ( I only ever once before had a 3 minute commute when I worked at my school ( where I went to school)  before it was closed.

So I am getting used to all the circ programs ( which I had done before when I was Branch manager at another location - a 25 minute commute) .  It is great to be where all the books are- I have been going there for my books which I have done for years! And best of all I got to order the children's /ya books which of course is my specialty!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

I Love Libraries.Org

 ALA has a new public awareness campaign , Libraries Transform.  There will be tips on the site for integrating games, comics and graphic novels into your programs and  your collections,  Check this out and see how you like it!  I am going to see how I can use this in my new position! More later!!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Why Digital literacy Is Important

  Digital literacy means the ability to locate, evaluate , and use digital information. The ability to recognize what information is needed and when to use it are also important components of digital literacy.   Using a wide range of technologies effectively is also important to the adult community( computer, mobile devices, blogs, twitter, facebook , youtube).
    Without access to the internet , adults can't develop digital literacy. Without digital literacy, patrons will not gain maximum benefit from online resources. Being digital literate will also help adults and seniors procure a job in today's job market.
    Training provided by the public libraries to adult patrons is an important service.  Offering a variety of technology training is key .
   Some public libraries have informal assistance , one on one sessions, formal tech training classes and online training materials. This training help adults  to  have skills to join or rejoin the workforce. Some libraries also provide  access to job databases and job opportunity resources,  There may also be provision for civil service materials.
  Many libraries offer other resources to help them with resumes and interviews. Additionally librarians may have staff to help patrons complete online job applications.
   In providing Digital literacy services and classes , the public library help create a skilled and knowledgeable workforce able to meet the technology of the 21st century.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Library Advisory Committe

As the librarian, you ultimately are in charge of library organization, and management. You are the major decision maker in policies and also purchasing. That is what part of our training is about.

    You may however want to think about having a library advisory group.  A library advisory group gives other members of your staff and patrons a voice in what material and programs are provided by the library.  This group would also let both staff and  patrons become more aware of library operations, services, and day to day activities and tasks.!

     During my years at the public library, I had a teen advisory group( I was in charge of Children 's Library Programs).   It was a small group . They gave me some great ideas of what books teens were reading and what activities teen s would the library to have provided,   They produced a monthly newsletter of book reviews, and articles that they wrote.  The group gave a voice to the teens that I served.

    Depending on your administration, board, teachers, and students , you may want to think about staring a group and include a representative of people you work with and for. They will serve as a sounding board and  also provide input on issues ( Challenged books, programs, policies, purchases, and other items.)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Making Time For Paper Work

  Every day when you are at work, include   time to complete paper work and file away what is completed.  My routine is simple but it works for me.  In the morning before opening, I  do emails and  complete paper work that needs to be done.   I take out folders for the projects, or tasks that I will be working on today. It is a good time to do it because I do not have  a lot of interruptions .   I also make important phone calls that can not wait til later.

  Right before we start our lunch coverage I also  clean up my desk, file papers that need to be filed away, and  complete other paper type work , so that when I come back from lunch I have a clean desk. I will make any phone calls or emails needed  , and check emails again  to see if anything is pressing.

  Again before I get ready to go home, I will complete  what ever I can, place papers in file folders if I am still working on a project ,  file anything that is completed, and  clean up my desk.

  Obviously if I have a pressing task that requires more action , I will take a morning , or a good portion of the morning and just work on paper work. This applies when I have reports, inventories, or other  items that need to be completed

Friday, December 19, 2014

Into the Hall of Book review site

Into the Hall of Books is a book site written by Ashely.  Ashley likes to read and does reviews of a mix of genres and categories,  She does Ya, adult fiction , middle grade fiction, contemporary, historical fiction, science fiction, dystopian and Christian fiction,.

  Across the top of the page are some links to click on ( review, books read in 2014, recently re -read, and policies)  In the right hand column are images of the covers of the two books she has been currently reading and rereading.
  Ashley's reviews are detailed but will not give away the ending . She tells you what she thinks  about the book and gives a great summary. She also has ideas at the end of the review on who she thinks the book would appeal to.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Digital literacy for Public Librarians-Why

    Digital literacy means the ability to locate, evaluate , and use digital information. The ability to recognize what information is needed and when to use it are also important components of digital literacy.   Using a wide range of technologies effectively is also important to the adult community( computer, mobile devices, blogs, twitter, facebook , youtube).
    Without access to the internet , adults can't develop digital literacy. Without digital literacy, patrons will not gain maximum benefit from online resources. Being digital literate will also help adults and seniors procure a job in today's job market.
    Training provided by the public libraries to adult patrons is an important service.  Offering a variety of technology training is key .
   Some public libraries have informal assistance , one on one sessions, formal tech training classes and online training materials. This training help adults  to  have skills to join or rejoin the workforce. Some libraries also provide  access to job databases and job opportunity resources,  There may also be provision for civil service materials.
  Many libraries offer other resources to help them with resumes and interviews. Additionally librarians may have staff to help patrons complete online job applications.
   In providing Digital literacy services and classes , the public library help create a skilled and knowledgeable workforce able to meet the technology of the 21st century.