Showing posts with label community services. Show all posts
Showing posts with label community services. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2015

National LIbrary Card Month- September

September is National Library Card sign up month.  Now is a good time to start planning how to get the word out to the community members.  They probably do not realize how many resources and programs can be found at their local library!
  September is also a good time to remind parents that the library is a big help to students in their educational life.  Snoopy ( from the Peanuts comic strip) is the promotional characrer this year.  To learn more and get access to some promotional material ( Proclamation, graphics, ect) visit the ALA website.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Career Services At the Public Library

    What kinds of services do you have at your public library for those seeking jobs?  Most libraries have some kind of assistance  for job hunters. At our library , we have  a valuable resource - our computer expert also provides career counseling on a one on one basis. She works with patorns who are looking for  work.
     The other service  she provides  is  she holds two workshops a month. One is on interviewing skills with many tips and hints on how to  have a successful interview.  Her other class is a resume class, where  she walked participants through what a good resume should have.  During these sessions , she also provides  many tips and hints  on being successful in the job hunt today.

  We also have printed information out for job seekers, and our data bases are also very helpful!
We also have computer classes that help patrons get up to speed on their technology skills that may be needed  for many jobs today.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Literacy Calendar

     The New York State Library has a website DayByDayNY for families with young children.  It is part of an early literacy program initiative called Read to Read at New York Libraries.
       The site was designed for use by families across NY State. It has am interactive calendar to help young children develop a love of books and learning that will last a life time.
       Multi media is used to enhance books , songs, and health issues resources. Even just a few minutes a day spent together using this calendar  can  give families quality time that  is both educational and enjoyable!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Value of Public libraries in their Communities

   Do most communities value their public library?  Yes they do- most especially the patrons who use the library on a regular basis.
  Community members agree that the materials, resources, and  the technology  available at the library play an important  roll in giving everyone a chance to  grow and succeed. 

  The value of the library  are those unemployed  and retired   members use the library in finding information  regarding  jobs, career workshops , and other career  building services ( resume, interviewing , ect)   Patrons can receive assistance  and the technology need for applying for government services.
Manny members still value their library because  of the  accessibly of the use of computers and the Internet.

  Special programs of the library are also valued to many members of the community. There are children's, teens, and adult programs that patrons enjoy for entertainment and fellowship.  Use of the library for information, books, media, and research assistance continues to show that the library does have an effect of the members of the community.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Teen Tech Time

    At our Public library System( 3 branches) a Teen Tech time was begun at the beginning of the summer. It is at my branch to start with.

   Our Computer tech guy is young so that appeals to many of the teens- especially the boys.   The guys outnumber the girls in this particular case.

   The first two sessions, the group built a pac- man type video game. they ended up sharing the games with the other in the group for at least three weeks. The Third session , the group learned how to produce a computerized comic strip using the Gimp program.

   I am anxious to see what they will do next!

   The group will be extended to the school year and will move to the branch that is closest to the High school. Hopefully the group will continue to grow. It brings  more youth into the public library , helping them to become aware of all the resources we have available!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Benefits of Technology in the Library

   About 40% of American households lack home Internet access.  A study revealed that people using public libraries as their primary source of access to the Internet and a computer.

  With more technology in libraries , patrons have better and faster access.  They can stay connected to families and friends.  Access also provides the ability to explore the vast information of the Internet .

  Local business persons can use the library , and its  resources ( computer access & otherwise ) to develop plans, net work, conduct market research and explore more opportunities.

  Patrons can take online classes to earn certificates and advanced degrees. Students can use test preparation materials  to prepare and study for SAT or GRE tests. Patrons can search the web to provide information  on purchases ( cars, appliances, data on how to do and how to fix and other areas items of interest.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Libraries are Technology Hubs

  Public Libraries are the technology hubs form most communities, large and small.  Libraries offer public computers for use by patrons and visitors.  Nearly all public libraries offer  Internet access. Some also offer wireless access.  There are still many who do not have these services at work or home.

  Of course, many public libraries have computer training classes and  computer assistance on a range of topics ( general computer skills, searching  skills and resources, software instruction, data base instruction and career  building classes)

  Using technology, libraries provide access to almost unlimited information to patrons seeking answers.  Because the information is online, the  resources can be accessed anytime of day or night.

  Many libraries provide one on one training. Patrons can find information , download audio books , and reserve / renew books on line, or maybe even take a class.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Public Libraries -Heart of the Community

     Public libraries serve the community by bringing people and information together. As so many people in the US are facing job loss, the public library is becoming the place to seek assistance and obtain new skills .  Most of the our public libraries are also now technology hubs. Many patrons still rely on the public libraries for their internet still service.

    Many times the public library is a source of information in helping people with serious needs, loss of housing or public assistance. Library's can be a contact point to community agencies for people in need.

  Public libraries are equalizers. They are a place where people of all ages and backgrounds can freely use a variety of resources and receive guidance of librarians who are information specialists.

    When the economy is down, as it is presently, public library use is increased.  Patrons use the library to gain information, borrow movie and music cd's and dvd's , borrow rather than purchase books, learn new technology skills, and  participate in free programs.   What impact the public library has is always dependent on funding. Librarians with adequate funds can provide more resources for patrons in need.,