Showing posts with label library advocacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library advocacy. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

All students Need Great School Libraries

All students Need Great School Libraries

  Watch this video!  It has some excellent talking points . And some ideas you can use in defense of school librarians and libraries.  Let me know what you think!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Online Newsletters?? Who does them?

   I am hoping to do an online newsletter this year for my staff.  What I want to do is to advertise my services to the teachers , promote the library resources - both new and old, and also include  important links and websites that  would help the staff in their educational goals.

So the question is  : Do you do an online newsletter? What program do you use?  Do you use a program or just  put the information in an email. How do you know if the newsletter is being read? How long do you make it( Pages?)How often do you do one?  What do you include  ?   I am hoping someone can give me some clues where to start!  Thanks in advance for any comments  or replies!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Victory for School Students & their libraries

   In early July, the Reed- Cochran Amendment was passed by the US Senate.  The Reed - Cochran  Amendment will help save and expand school libraries in every state  in the US.  It will authorize school  districts  to use ESSA  ( Elementary & Secondary Ed. Act)  funds to develop and maintain effective school library programs  with certified librarians at the core of the program.

 The amendment has the backing of the Senate's Health , Education, Labor & Pensions committee.
 The senate voted 98-0 in favor of this bill.

   This win is important , but the work is not over yet. The bill has to be discussed on the Senate floor , then a senate vote and then it goes to  the house.  Then a conference committee will be appointed to resolve disagreements to arrive at a bill that all is in favor of.  Go Libraries!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Librarians under pressure to connect

   Libraries are under pressure to connect with patrons.  Technology may just be the key  we need to help up do that.

  When staff and funding are tight, then  is the time to start doing things differently.  Because of technology , libraries can use the latest tools to connect with patrons.  After all we are in the 21 st century.  Why not pull out all the stops  we can to get patrons using our resources and programs.

   But wait- why do we have to connect?  We want to match patrons to the books and information they want and need .  We want to free up routine tasks that staff spend time on so they can interact with patrons  and help them achieve their goals.

  As library staff we need to determine how we can use our website, face book page , or a twitter to excite and draw interest  with our comments, questions, and interests. So let's get thinking,  What other social media  can we use? Instragram, Pinterest? Q Codes?  What can we do with them?
  I would love to hear what your library does to help connect and pull in patrons  Comment below and share how you use social media to create  patron interest and participation,

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Every Thing Library

    EveryThing Library is a website devoted to helping libraries get funding for their community libraries who are in need of funding in order to stay afloat, current , and full of resources.  Everything Library believes that campaigning  and talking to votes about their needs will increase  the libraries  power, services, and help with library initiatives.

   They will and have provided funds to help  sustain major libraries  from having services impacted by budget cuts.( restoring personal and programs)

   This is actually an organization that is dedicated to build voter support. They help libraries to get voters to come on Election day . Training is provided  on various topics: consulting services, conduct feasibility studies, develop fund raising strategies ad train volunteer  in" get out to vote" techniques.

  So even if your library in not is a budget crisis, check out Everything Library - some helpful tips and blog articles await you!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Successful strategies for PR

   Library's and their staff strive to develop promotions that catch the attention of patrons and future patrons. We want to draw both types of patrons  to our programs and events.

  So what can we do? With a little thought we can develop strategies that work for our communities. Here are a few:

 1) Eye catching book displays, add to that a poster to emphasize and clarify what the display is about.

2) Well designed flyers and newsletters. They should have details about programs , events, and resources.

3) Your website for the library. Make it interactive, interesting and information, Add a blog, podcast, photos,- anything to attract and hold patrons attention.

4) Advertising?  If you can afford it ,use local papers and radio stations, Promote the library, programs , events and resources,  Some local media welcome library information in press releases. They may also provide  a space or time for a library column or library spot.

5) Friends Groups- This group may host programs,. collect funds, and and help promote the library.

6)  Staff members  are a gold mine! Make sure they are knowledgeable and enthusiastic and can discuss and promote programs, resources, events and exhibits,

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wired Wednesday- Technology Tools

     365 Project is a fun way to record your year in the library and share the experience with other educators, students, and  your community.  365 Project is a photography project , where you take one photo each of the day . The photo can really be on any theme. So what you are doing is a daily photo journal.

     You can use this photo journal to show what you are doing in your library programs. This will also serve as a memory tool of all that you have done and accomplished during the year in the library.

     It is easy to create an account and it is free.  Then you can upload your photo's, and do one each day.   The images are easily shared on Facebook, your library page,  your blog, or through the 365 site.

    This is a great tool when it time for your yearly report, or if  your administration wants to know how you have positively impacted student achievement and learning.  It also serves  to keep you and  your students motivated and interested  in the library happenings.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What Administrators Want from their Librarians

     What do administrators want from their librarians?  Librarians are asked and need to do many things as we have seen in the past blogs.   Most of us love to learn about new ideas, strategies, resources and books. We love working with students, teachers , and parents.  As part of our jobs, we need to learn about  new  ideas and we need to model that love of learning to our students and teachers.
    Most of all ,the Librarian does not work alone. For a school to have a successful library program it takes everyone (  librarians, , teachers  , and administrators) working together for the students to be successful in their education and in their lives.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What Administrators want from their Librarian

What Administrators want from their Librarian- continued from Saturday

      As librarians  we are leaders in our schools. Although we are leading from the middle, we need to be active in many aspects of the school community.  Many administrators do no see us as leaders but we need to start being more involved with student learning. With the emphasis on the Common Core, this is the perfect time for us to stand up and begin  to show our presence and importance . Get active on school committees  and building initiatives.   Think of this and let me know what you do to be a visable force in your school.     
    How can Librarians lead from the middle? Librarians can be leaders in many ways. By  maintaining their collections and bringing new resources to teachers we are support people. But by assisting with lessons and helping develop  units and lessons to revolve around the common core ( or whatever latest buzz words in the educational scene) we begin to offer ourselves as  leaders in the educational scene of the school.
    Also by infusing new technology  and web 2.0 tools into our lessons , and teaching teachers to use these new tools we also begin to show how  librarians change the school community. Start with your classes , and then branch out - try something with just one or two other willing teachers. Their success will provide you with either others asking you to do the same, and word will get out that you are a collaborator. 
   Plan a short  speech about what you have done for your next faculty meeting, and offer to help with others. Showcase your website or one of your databases at another meeting.  Keep it going- Be visible, be vocal about what you can do to help teachers and students.  Be a leader!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

What Administrators want from their Librarian

      As librarians  we are leaders in our schools. Although we are leading from the middle, we need to be active in many aspects of the school community.  Many administrators do no see us as leaders but we need to start being more involved with student learning. With the emphasis on the Common Core, this is the perfect time for us to stand up and begin  to show our presence and importance . Get active on the school committees  and building initiatives.   Think of this and let me know what you do to be a visable force in your school.
      Discussion on this thread to be continued on Tuesday.

Monday, June 25, 2012

What does an Admisitrator Want from a Librarian?

      I have been thinking lately about what administrators want and expect from a School Library Media Specialist. I've also been thinking that many administrators  really do not have any idea about how valuable a school librarian can be.
      Do they have classes when they are taking courses to be a Principal  about the value of a school librarian?  I think not, but I do think they should.
      Number one item on my list is a Library media Specialist is a TEACHER. They work with students in the library, the computer lab, and in the classroom! What do they teach?
     They teach the love of reading and literature. Think  about interactive read aloud' s and author studies.  Think introducing students to genres, and  series, chapter books, and graphic novels, award winning books.
    School librarian also teach students how to be information literate . They teach how to use the resources of books, references, data bases, and the internet. to find the information they need. They show students how to use the latest web based programs to   produce information pieces  to share with there their learning.
     Later in the week or next week  week I have some addoitioanl  items to add to this list of what an adminsotrator wants from their librarians. Keep reading for more.
    Any additional items the librarian does as a teacher?  Please add your comments.
What should you do with this information? Share this in some way with your p;principals and school board and teachers,. Let them know what you can do to assist the students in the quest for 21st century learners.