Showing posts with label writing tools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing tools. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Online story creators


Student treasures is an online book creator that student will enjoy. It looks to be fairly straightforward and it is free to create. They do sell classroom books and parents can buy their child's books for  $20.00.

There are many resources for teachers : lesson plans, writing work sheets, and ideas for projects. Check this out!

  Story bird’s  claim is that anyone can produce visual stories in seconds.  Illustrators and artists around the world have their art work available for use by creators of stories.  Families, student’s & teachers, and authors use story bird to create  & publish their own stories.

  Visitors to the site can read books from their favorite writers. They can create their own stories and share them with friends and families.  Teachers can help their students use Story Bird to have them learn the art of writing and have them produce their own books. (This encourages  reluctant writers and readers) Authors use story bird to give them a growing audience and connect with more readers,

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Book publishing sites is a site that offers authors young and old  the ability to create their own books and share stories and knowledge. Lulu Jr. (for young children) and Lulu allows students and adults to become published authors. The site is encouraging and helps build literacy skills.
Lulu provides tools to help you publish your work for personal use or to sell for pro0fit. There are many resources: featured videos, articles on the knowledge for publishing, forums for discussion, and self-publishing guidelines. This would be great to use with students to help them with writing goals. There is an area for teachers to manage their classes and their students work.

  Story bird’s  claim is that anyone can produce visual stories in seconds.  Illustrators and artists around the world have their art work available for use by creators of stories.  Families, student’s & teachers, and authors use story bird to create  & publish their own stories.

  Visitors to the site can read books from their favorite writers. They can create their own stories and share them with friends and families.  Teachers can help their students use Story Bird to have them learn the art of writing and have them produce their own books. (This encourages  reluctant writers and readers) Authors use story bird to give them a growing audience and connect with more readers,

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Letters About Literature- writing contest for students

  Letters About Literature is writing contest for students in grades 4-12. In its 25th year , it is sponsored by the Library of Congress and Dollar General.

 This is a reflective  letter writing competition whereby students write to an author about their feelings about a book and how they feel the book has changed their view of themselves or their world.  The students will share specific details about the book and their reaction to it.

  More information about the contest can be found at There is a webinar for educators and details about the contest.  Check your state for deadline specifics.


Teachers lesson plan for writing letters:

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Interesting Writing Sites for Students

More sites to try
   Use to motivate students to write and make books!  Students will have fun with this one and be glad to get into writing. They show 7 simple steps to help the story progress. There is a tutorial  and a short video to help you get started.

 Students can use storyjumper’s art or they can create their own.  They do offer hardbound books printed for 24.99.

  There is a classroom edition made just for schools. Students can read some examples of other student works. 



On Scribblitt there are many assists to help students be motivated to write. This site is for older students with a more modern look.  This site has a lot to offer for student- make an avatar, illustrate your book, word games, and fund raisers for schools. Under several tabs you  can find a place for messages, contests' story starters,  and writing competitions. There is also a verh short video on some of the items on Scribblitt.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What we need for our students- Part 6

    Another program to engage and encourage our students is Voice Threads.  This is a subscription based online tool where students can share their voice and their work.
   We have used it  the final part of a project . Students in grades 1-2 were beginning a unit on nonfiction and research. I worked closely with the teachers and students  preparing them for research  and having them do research with books and  a specific database.
     Then students did illustrations ( posters) of their animal and wrote a report on their animal. . I took photos of the illustration . Then the students read/ told about their animal. Both of the these were placed on Voice Thread ( which lives on our website so it can be viewed from home)  A couple of rules we follow, students never mention their last name.  Last names are also NOT put on the web.
     Older students use voice threads to write and illustrate book commercials. They love to do this!

Check out the site on Voice Threads and see if you think it would for your students.

 Free to Help you get started and see if you like!

Educator Voice Thread

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What we need for our students.

     There are many free available web tools that we can use with our students to help them with reading and writing.  One I have found is at Kids.Com and  gives the younger students an opportunity to work on line writing and creating story's.. This site provides writing prompts and characters. It is a fun site and students will enjoy using it and working with it.
     The students will find  they can vote on this week's stories and read last week's stories.  There is a writing challenge . There are games that students can play.
  Check it out and see if  this will be beneficial  for you and your students.