Showing posts with label staff development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label staff development. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Professional development- online learning!

  If you are looking for learning opportunities for you and your staff there are several places to look for quality  staff development.  One of theses is WebJunction . Webjunction offers  free webinars to library staff. There are many training opportunities which are complied and shares by the Wyoming State Library. Check it out each month on the WebJunction  site page and see what they have!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Staff Development

     As school and Public  librarians, we need to become leaders in our schools and  buildings.. We ( along with administrators & direct) are the professionals that have the overall snapshot of the school   and community’s . We are the ones that know the instruction ,curriculum. and personal needs. Work  with your administrators  and directors to set up a schedule for staff development for the next year. Work with your staff to develop what needs to be done as far as educating the clerks .

     One of the first staff development workshops that you can do during teacher conference days is an Orientation to the data bases that your school has. This will give everyone a push to get the teachers thinking about which ones they can use with their students. At this time, offer to help classes learn how to use databases or mention that they can be used when the classes are doing research, guided inquiry or non-fiction texts.

     During the year, listen to staff and see what they need as far as staff development. Is there a grade level that wants to infuse more technology? Do clerks and staff have lots of questions on circulation, reports, other tasks?

     Some more ideas for staff development: e-sources, primary sources, information literacy skills, streaming video sites for your state- show them how helpful they can be, digital projects, inquiry based learning, and resources for the common core.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Manager's meeting - part 2

   Her are some more thoughts coming from our workshop on developing a good working team.   As a manager , it should be a goal of ours to help our staff fulfill their potential. By doing this, we develop a staff who does their best  and most creative work.

  It is a process no doubt but a gradual one.  As managers / directors we need to discuss and explore with each one of our staff their strengths, talents, and  interests.   We need to observe and analyze as we go about our work with our staff to help them to identify their most positive abilities.

  Another possibility would be to create a survey asking them what they like to do best.  Then we can assign the correct person for the job and have the jobs/ tasks fall into the 'lap" of the right person.  This will help to develop the sense of team work within your staff. When they begin to think of themselves as a team  , then work and tasks at hand become more efficiently accomplished.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Managers Workshop: Discovering and Mentoring Talent-

   I attended a recent workshop for library manger's , directors, and any staff who has people to manage and direct.  It focused on mentoring  talent in staff and getting the best results.  But the speaker also addressed becoming a better leaders to help your library build a dream team of staff who will love what they do and be creative in their positions.

  Her firs big question to use was "Why are you in this job and in this field?"  We had a small group discussion to tell our story of how we got into the library field.

  As manager or directors , we need to a) develop a vision, share it, and have our staff buy into it, b) communicate regularly with staff, and c) create an environment  that allows discussion and a good communication system

  So our firs step would be to create our vision/ mission/  Then challenge staff to help build and fulfill the vision you see for your library.  As you listen to staff and their ideas , make changes . Embrace good discussions that bring up points to improve your library. Have staff become more involved in the work at hand and the vision of what your library is becoming!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Professional Reading Journals for Public Librarians

  There are many great journals  for public librarians.   The two we receive and share with the librarians in our branches are : BookList , and Library Journal.  Both of these are excellent . I also find that the articles are great- especially the ones in Library Journal.

 I use these for mostly reading reviews of the latest books  and look  for their stared reviews and special sections on various genres.   Both also have great websites.

. Booklist is a book-review magazine that has been published by the American Library Association for more than 100 years. It  is widely viewed as offering the most reliable reviews to help libraries decide what to buy . It  also has an extensive website and database, e-newsletters, webinars, and other resources that support librarians in collection development and readers' advisory.

  Library Journal is another  trusted and respected publication for the library community. Built on more than a century of quality journalism and reviews, Library Journal  provides  features and analytical news reports covering technology, management, policy and other professional concerns to public, academic and institutional libraries. They have vast reviews and  evaluate 8000+ books, ebooks, audiobooks, videos/DVDs, databases, systems and websites.