Showing posts with label . technology tools for teachers. Teacher Technology tools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label . technology tools for teachers. Teacher Technology tools. Show all posts

Monday, July 12, 2021

Building better libraries- career resources

 Libraries both school and public provide valuable resources for career research and job services, At the school level, many middle and high school have career resources, both print and digital, 

There are also countless websites to assist students in determining what career they might  be interesting in There are also book resources oh specific resources ,  Several teachers did  career research  with students . One year when the goal was thinking about careers, our administrator promoted the career resources  in the morning announcements. 

 On our website we had a career section that had career surveys ( to help students figure out what they would like to do and what they would be good at doing) We also had databases and websites  that highlighted careers and what was necessary to enter in the career.

 Career Resources: -

 Occupational  outlook


Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Brain Pop- site for remote learning/ Google Classroom

  Brain Pop is another tool I have used to add to my Google classroom. There are many activities lessons, videos, games, and quizzes that go along with my 7th grade Information Literacy Curriculum
  If you have this available in your district , I urge you to check it out and see what you can use for your remote learning.
  Some of the lessons I have used are the following:

Tech: Cyber bulling, digital animation, social media

Computer Sciences: 3d printing,computer history, Internet, hackers

Digital Citizenship: I have used most of these units which are excellent
English: Famous authors & books, Study & Reading Skills, Writing / Book reports ,Citing sources, copyright , fact & opinion

Each unit has a video,a quiz, related readings, and other activities.

Brain Pop is a very helpful source that will engage students and support teaching and leaning,
There is also a BrainPop Jr for students in grades k- 3.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Common Sense Media/ Using Google Classroom for remote learning

   If you are using Google Classroom for your online learning platform, there are a lot of assignments, activities , and games that you can add for your students.

  For instance, thank about what you want student to do/learn, or what skills you want them to master.  I have used Common Sense Media for digital literacy for middle school because that is what I was asked to concentrate on media literacy and  information skills.

   When   you sign in as an educator you get access to free lessons with lots of options. I have used parts of this and added assignments to the google classroom.  There are videos, games, lesson slides, and work/ thinking sheets. You can them track student use and do grades if you need to.

  Another time I will discuss some other items that I have used in my Google Classroom,
What do you have on your Google classroom? How do  you use yours?

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Virtual Library page-Links for your library page!

 Here are few more freebies that you can use on  your library page-

  Capstone interactive- free for students to use during school closures.  PebbleGo is  designed for K-3 students.  This site is packed with informational articles, ready-made activities, and literacy supports for all students

Buncee -  You can get remote access during school closures to Buncee . And there is lots of activities and ideas  for lessons for your students. There are ideas for remote learning- check this out! There are webinars for teachers.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

More links to put on your Library page for at home learning!

 Here are a few more  links to consider putting on  your library page for students. You may also want to let your teachers know about some of these also.

   Ranger Rick. org- lots of fun things to read about and things to do!

  Kids Scholastic-  Read, Make Comics, and play games

 Virtual School Activities-   This has many links to live webcams, virtual tours, and many educational sites.  Check this out and select some great links for your students!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Keyboarding Program is the online program I am using to teach my middle school students  keyboarding.. It is free and it actually pretty good so far I looked at another program  that  my principal wanted me to look at  but I don't think she was convinced it was worth the price/ ( Not quite sure what is cost- that was never made clear  to me.) has a great dashboard. For each class , a code was created  so I can view and check on each class ,and their activity on each lesson.This will make it easier for me to do grades.I have not figured out how to import the grades to our School Tool but I am hoping it will work.  Each lesson comes up grades with an accuracy and a percentage.
    There are basic exercises,more advanced, typing tests, games and passages to type.

    Does anyone else have a keyboarding program that they like?  Does any other librarian have to teach keyboarding? ( I have 10 sections!!)  Please tell me what you use with your students! 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Benefits of Breakout Boxes

  The Breakoutboxes edu have many benefits. Firstly, the games /puzzles are highly adaptive  and can be customized to grade  levels and students  capabilities . At teachers / librarians we can develop games to git in with a novel, unit of study, or standard skills.. We can also use the breakout boxes to introduce , review, or reinforce skills that the students need.

  The games are collaborative so students work in groups They can read the clues or search out the clues hidden in texts, illustrations, poems, ect. There is a group dynamic between the members of each group.This helps build class relationships between classmate they may not be familiar with.  The group work builds confidence, skills,  and the ability to try out new ideas.

   Some students will emerge as leaders, others will be working on clues, some will be  timekeepers or some may be taking notes. All will be encouraged to contribute ideas for solutions. Each will fall into their talents that they may not know they have.  There will be sharing of ideas and talking out of possible ways to open the boxes to gain access to further clues.
   Breakout boxes help students build the skills to tackle problems and work together as a unit.