Showing posts with label career resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label career resources. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Building Better Libraries- Public Career Centers

 At the Public library level ,building better libraries means  building career centers for patrons. Yes , there may  be books on different careers. But  more importantly at the public level are databases on careers  and staff to assist instruct on its use Adults may not have the background on how to use these. 

  Also at the public level, development in career programs such as college information and application, government agency assistance, resume writing workshops,business/ entrepreneurship  resources and career counselor are just a few programs that could be provided .

   Patrons could use these resources to assist themselves in better positions and better careers,

Monday, July 12, 2021

Building better libraries- career resources

 Libraries both school and public provide valuable resources for career research and job services, At the school level, many middle and high school have career resources, both print and digital, 

There are also countless websites to assist students in determining what career they might  be interesting in There are also book resources oh specific resources ,  Several teachers did  career research  with students . One year when the goal was thinking about careers, our administrator promoted the career resources  in the morning announcements. 

 On our website we had a career section that had career surveys ( to help students figure out what they would like to do and what they would be good at doing) We also had databases and websites  that highlighted careers and what was necessary to enter in the career.

 Career Resources: -

 Occupational  outlook
