So you have your mission statement and your goals and objectives. What policies do you have in printed form?
You may want to get your collection development and book selection polices and procedures written and down and accepted by your Administration/ Board.
Why should you have Written Policies? Sooner or later, if it has not happened already, someone (parents, patrons, administrators) will question why you have a book or books in your collections.
With theses policies( having been hopefully approved and accepted) you can refer the question to the written policy ( More information is in The Organized Librarian)
To begin your policy for collection development and book selection, think about whom your library serves. What kinds of information do they need, what types of books do they like to read?
If you are not sure or want to have an accurate picture find out by asking your patrons ( students, teachers , ect) through surveys, polls, informal discussions, and informal interviews.
With your audience in mind, prepare your collection development policy. By using inventory statistics, begin noting how will develop and expand your collection. What areas need to be expanded upon? What formats do patrons and students want?
This policy , when finalized, will specify subject areas to be developed , with other areas noted to be maintained and eventually developed. A time frame for development would probably be included,
Also there should be statements about how long the policy will be in effect and when the policy will be revised and updated.
This policy will help you in purchasing item,s The collection development policy will ensure continuity in selection and revision of materials for the library collection.