Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wired Wednesday- Technology Tools

    Having readers make book trailers  is a great motivator for continued reading among all students. Students promoting books provides skill practice in many areas ( reading, writing, organizing, analyzing, just to name a few).  Book trailers for readers can be in many forms,  many of the sites we have mentioned in this blog can be used to make book trailers, or posts  about favorite books,
   One site that is wonderful for this is :

   Michelle Harderode, teacher librarian , has developed this  site. On it you can find  book trailers she has produced, and also student produced book trailers.  There are so many great features to this website.  There is a section on readers theater, authors book trailers and tips for making book trailers with students.  You can find trailers on newly released books.

   Under special features there is information on book trailers and the common core, research on the value of making book trailers, battle of the book information, and literacy lessons for school librarians.

  Since the sub title is "Spotlighting Books for Kids and Teens" , you can just start introducing this site to your students to help them find great books that they want to read!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Library Policies- Book Selection

  What other library policies do you have written down( or at least in your head?)  A book selection policy will follow your Collection Development policy. ( See March   blog post)

   In your book selection policy, how do you select books that will be purchased for your library? Do you read reviews before purchasing? How many do you read?    Does what you do for selection all make sense and is it a reasonable way to select books for your collection?Whatever you do, refine and write it down.   
   In my policy , I have written that I will read  two reviews for non-fiction and three for fiction. I will check also  the ALA listing for children's / teens books and will check other award lists for recommended books. The policy also details what  the current curriculum is following , and will note that library selection of nonfiction also depends curriculum requirement I had this written down in detail in my book selection policy.

     With your mission statement, your collection development policy and your book selection policy, you are now on your way to your policy and procedures book . I will continue to add different topics / statements  so that you will have a complete book for your library . Keep me posted as to what  you have and what you are working on. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Organizing your Office-

       Maintaining a neat  and organized office workspace is an ongoing process.   You should never think that you are organized  and that is the end.The initial  organizing will be the most work , but you can begin seeing improvement after a few sessions.  When you think you are done , then you will be on a maintenance schedule  similar to  keeping your house work  done.
      If  you have read my blog on 3/11/13 about Organization in the Library, and files and piles and have started to begin this process then you are on your way. By now your library will be looking and feeling more organized and you will be getting more work done  and feeling better and better.
    Let's look at some other areas of your office and library where you might want to be more efficient. Look at an office supply catalog ( print or online ) When you do you will so many organizing tools.  If there is a spot or area that needs redoing , look for ways that organizing tools could help you accomplish that task.

   Where you do keep your files?  Do you have adequate file space? Are the files in order?  Keep your file with your current to do and daily activities close to where you work.  Other files that are needed can be kept close to your desk.  Files that are needed but not looked at daily can be kept in another file cabinet .  ( I call them my historical files)

    Develop and keep a consistent naming system for both your  print and computer files. ( See The Organized Librarian book)   This will help you to easily find and retrieve the information and files you need .

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wired Wednesday- Technology Tools

      There are so many links on this site!!   It is great for librarians, teachers and parents. Librarians will love it! 
       Under Library and Literature Lesson plans you will find links to Curriculum and Standards, library scheduling, information units, and literature units. There are also links to technology units.
      Also there are many links to literature web sites. The site has links for both elementary and secondary levels.
      Under Information Literacy, there is a small list of Web 2.0 tools for use by teachers and librarians .In the Media Lit tab there many links to resources for librarians and technology teachers to use with students of all ages.
      The  Library Curriculum tab is arranged by month and has links to lessons,  topics, and authors. I can't  wait to see the new ideas for each month.
     There are tabs for each month  with ideas for  lesson ideas and step by step models. Also there are extensive author links, and  also links  for books on each age level.
     Check out this site, you will be amazed on how much information you can use  to help you with.  .  Your staff will love it too! 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Library Policies

    So you have your mission statement and your goals and objectives.  What policies do you have in printed form?
   You may want to get your collection development and book selection polices and procedures written and down and accepted by your Administration/ Board.
   Why should you have Written Policies? Sooner or later, if it has not happened already, someone (parents, patrons, administrators) will question  why you have a book or books in your collections.
   With theses policies( having been hopefully approved and accepted)  you can refer  the question to the written policy ( More information is in  The Organized Librarian)
  To begin your policy for collection development and book selection, think about whom your library serves. What kinds of information do they need, what types of books do they like to read?
  If you are not sure  or want to have an accurate picture find out by asking your patrons ( students, teachers , ect) through surveys, polls, informal discussions, and informal interviews.
    With your audience in mind, prepare your collection development policy.    By using inventory statistics,  begin noting how will develop and expand your collection.  What areas need to be expanded upon? What  formats do patrons and students want?
  This policy , when finalized, will specify subject areas to be developed , with other areas noted to be maintained and eventually developed. A time frame for development would probably be included,
Also there should be statements about how long the policy will be in effect and  when the policy will be revised and updated.
  This policy will help you in purchasing item,s The collection development policy will ensure continuity in selection and revision of materials for the library collection.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

April Bulletin Boards For Librarians

     It 's time again to start thinking about April!  I know March seems like it just started but with vacation , I like to always think ahead!

      I've got a poem in my pocket!-- pockets with poems typed stuck in- these can be changed  weekly. Or let  students put in their  favorite poems.

     Get Graphic@ the Library!  Scan covers of some of your Graphic Novels and put on a colorful Bulletin Board.

      Get Hooked on  Books!- Fishing line with book titles or covers along the line.
( Fishing for a good Book)

     Spring into Reading with Great Books

      Sports Stories

      It's Raining Books- Put an umbrella in the corner of the bulletin board. Then place large blue and grey raindrops with book titles on them.( Again let students put up their favorites.

     April showers bring great books! ( Similar to above idea)

National Humor Month
School Library Month
DEAR- Day April 12

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Technology Tools-Wired Wednesday

        This week the site I am writing about  is Edmodo!  What a great site for educators! It is compared to Facebook for teachers ,but even better!
     There are many safety measures to keep students  on their tasks.   Once you register( its Free) then you can add your  students in class groups.

         Edmodo is a site where students and teachers can collaborate when class is over- continue with class discussions, give polls and surveys to check for comprehension and understanding.

         This is site where teachers  can share lessons and ideas  with other colleagues who are doing the same subject area as they are.   Teachers are also connect to be best  quality resources to assist them  and their students.
       There is a planner chart where you  can place plans for the week. A Progress chart is also provided which will be helpful for keeping track of students work.    Edmodo has  a library tab  where you can add links and files of current and past work. This way you can save all your resources in one neat spot.

      I found lots of items my teachers will love( writing prompts, lesson search,  put in assignments, view slide shows  for different subject areas, reward badges for students  and,  tons of ideas for activities)