Monday, May 9, 2011

May- Caldecott Challenge Awards

We began our parties for the Caldecott reading challenge. What fun! Last week we held the popcorn party for the class that participated . That means that each student read at least 12 Caldecott books during the challenge period . We had fun ! Does any one else do a Caldecott Reading incentive? What do you do? Can you share ?I will share in another blog!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Battle of the Books - part 3

For Prizes, there is a couple ways you can go. In a past school district, the PTO graciously ordered medals for the first, second, and third place winners. Then we had a big party- everyone that participated was asked to bring a snack or a drink. We would have one grade bring drinks, one grade bring snacks, and one grade could bring sweets or dips depending on the kids. Everyone who read and participated was invited to this party and I handed out certificates, and prizes! The kids had fun and so did we!
In my present school district, we ask local businesses for donations for prizes.
the Local bank provided 5 certificates for a savings bond which is a big deal. We have also free movie tickets, free tubing trips, and free certificates for miniature golf.
A letter is sent at the end of the battle to thank the business for their donations. In the press release for the press and the school newsletter,we of course mention the businesses that provided the prizes!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jacket Flap

I have found a new site that I love to explore. There are interesting tabs for writers and librarians . Great site to find out about great books and authors!
I signed up so I can do reviews and leave comments. Check it out!

Jacket Flap

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Correct Link

Just to get you to the correct link if you want it. Sorry for the missed link.
Battle of the
How many of you have Battle of the Books? Drop a comment and tell about your students reactions to doing the first or second round. Has anyone gone on to more rounds or done district battles? I would love to hear from you!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Battle of books part 2

When I received the questions from the company, I first look them over and see what the questions look like. Sometimes the questions are very easy and sometimes they are harder. the questions normally really pick out information that the students will have to have read the books in order to answer.
Then I prepare my power point. For each question I use one slide. On the next slide with the same number I type in the title and the author.
Each round I put in 30 questions. It takes about one hour to complete each round.
Students get a 30 second time period to answer the question. Then they write the title and author . In my present school district, students are awarded 5 points for the correct title and 3 points for the correct author. I do not required exact correct spelling for the title and author.

Friday, April 8, 2011

How to do Battle of the Books

Battle of the Books
On April 1st we have our first round of the Battle! The students did well and had fun. We will have 8 teams advancing to the second round which will be held in May.
The date is not yet determined so keep tuned!All students that participated received a certificate and a cool pen or pencil! Keep reading!
Battle of the books is a national competition that students in grades 3-7 compete in a reading challenge. Check here for the link:
This is a low cost way to provide a reading incentive for your students. Purchase the lists and questions from the organization. For prizes you can provide medals or prizes. This year I am getting prizes from businesses in the community.Last year I had a big party for all the readers.