Friday, November 30, 2012

Library Vocabulary Words- Part 3

            Are you using your Library Vocabulary / Signage in your library?  I use mine as a word wall on one of the bulletin boards in the library. This makes it easy to add to and change. On the top I just have  the words  LIBRARY WORD WALL.     The students are used to having many word walls in the classroom.
           Another thing I do is keep a listing of library vocabulary words with each of the library curriculum by grade level.    So I know which words go with each grade, but I do not limit the students or myself when talking about the  vocabulary.
             A fun thing to do with some of the words is to make flash cards with photos. The photos can be either placed on the same side as the term or on the opposite side ( if you do this then you can use the cards also for a concentration game.
           Some other options for the vocabulary are:

 1. Vocabulary Bingo- make up  bingo sheets with the terms on the bingo chart.   Make the center with the free spot. You can get creative  with  the letters up top or you can just use Bingo letters. Call out the defination and students need to mark the correct term.   Younger students can work in pairs if you wish. You might want to offer small prizes like a book mark or pencil .

2.  I have Who Has?-  make up cards with definations and terms. The game goes I like this:  On each card you will put I have  and Who Has. The first person reads the Who Has.  (Example  Who has :  the person who writes the words in a book?    The student who has the Term Author  will read  : I have Author- and then go on to read what their    card says for the question (Who  Has : The person who makes the pictures?)
The student who has Illustrator will read  and say I have Illustrator- then who has - with the next question.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Technology Tools- Wired Wednesday

         This site Writing Fix is amazing and very useful for librarians and especially teachers.  This is a free source  from Northern  Nevada and has been in existence for 10 years.  There are hundreds of  writing lessons with many have links to children books that have inspired the lessons.  These lessons can be use by teachers and librarians in the quest to help students love to write and be better writers.
         Also there are daily writing prompts, lessons of the month and  techniques for teaching writing. The other items  are curriculum area books:  science, , math writing about reading, history. This site is useful for students in grades K-12. 
         An additional link on this  site to check out  Writing Lesson Ning.  The link  to get to this is on the right . Instructions are given where you can join the site to receive lessons each month.
          Both of these sites are very interesting and helpful. I think you and your staff will love them and find them to be very useful.

 Writing Fix

Writing Lesson Ning

Monday, November 26, 2012

Organization of library work day

       Planning - how much do you do?  Do you plan what you will do each day or do you just go into work and then wing it?    For many years ( more than I like to admitt)  I just  did lesson planning and the rest of the time I just sort of "winged" it.   That worked out fine for a long time becasue I had great support library assistants and when a big job came around we got it done.
     When I  lost my full time assistant was when I really took the time to plan out what I needed to do and how in the world was I going to get it all done.  To add fuel to that idea was the fact that I did have people coming into to help but  they would be with me for  a period or at most maybe two periods .
     So I really took stock to determine what I would have them do when they arrive at the door.  Now, some of those  aides really jumped in and did what ever they thought  was the best for the library. But some of the aides had never been in the library before so I had to  train them  in various jobs. Which was not always easy because most of the time I had many many classes  and I had to teach them at the same time I was instructing the students.
      Anyway my point is that whether you have help or not. Or whether you have a full time or part time person, you will accomplish more and feel better if you at least plan out part of your day.  If you know you have a certain task to complete , and it is a big one , break it down into segments and begin to work on it when you have a block of time during your day.
     Look at your schedule - with classes and special programs and decide  what you will do to further you jobs completed. 
    Watch soon for the ebook- The Organized Librarian. This details how my days went from  'winging it'  to more organized and efficient.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Technology Tools- Wired Wednesday

  Hi All,
     To those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving, I send best wishes and rest to your homes this season. Enjoy  your friends and family!
     A great site that I have discovered is Read Kiddo Read. James Patterson posted this site to encourage boys ( as well as girls ) to read.  If you haven't read  Middle School The Worst Years of my Life , read it and you will be reminded of  your middle school years and you will laugh- kids love this book.

     He believes that  it is the mainly the parents job to encourage and interest their children to read more . 

The hard part is finding books that your children will love.  So this site is sort of like a book finder for parents and kids.   There are also some articles for parents . But for educators it is a gold mind-  featured books and lessons to go with it!  There are author interviews, lessons, newsletters,  and more! Definitely check this out  over your break! You will be impressed!

Monday, November 19, 2012

December Library Bulletin Boards

   December is almost around the corner so it is time to start thinking of new bulletin boards. I like to plan ahead so I start now to figure out what I will put up.  I usually keep my bulletin boards from year to year, So many times I can just pull on out  and put it up. I do not put the same one up each year- I alternate.

  December Bulletin Boards Slogans

 Seasons Readings - Put a wreath in the middle with students favorites all around. I use scanned covers.

 LOL- Place large letters in the center, Place names or covers of books jokes and riddles.

 Mittens-  make large mittens out of construction paper, Have students write their favorite books on the mitten. Slogan: Keep Warm With Great Books

 Battle of the Books: Place  photos of teams on the board with Team names and date of competition.

Books Are Gifts You Give Yourselves.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday!- Straighten Your Desk

  Its Friday . ( or it could be any day for that matter)  What does your desk look like?   Is it totally out of control?  Take  15 minutes and straighten it up. 
     First , take a stack of  empty file folders and your favorite  pencil. ( I'll tell you why a pencil in a moment)  Begin with picking up the first pile of materials. If there is anything that is essential to your library or your classes, decide what to do with it.
     If there are several items that belong together, take a file folder and label what it  you are placing in it.  Move these folders to a spot where they can be organized and filed.  Anything you  do not need , throw out or place in recycling.

   Keep going until your desk is cleared. You should end up with file folders to file and  items to recycle.  This afternoon or when you have another 15  minute slot, file the  folders in the proper place in your file cabinet.  
    If you already have a file that is marked for that item, place the items in the file in your cabinet. Then you can erase the tab and use if for something else. Permanent files should be marked with a . Now you have a clean desk and will be able to figure out what to do with the rest of your day.
  My book The Organized Librarian has a chapter on how I organize my files , and how I avoid duplicate files. Watch for the ebook to be coming  out soon!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Technology tools- Wired Wednesday

      Since talking about promoting reading on Monday, I was looking for  some other sites that could help students get excited about reading. They love to use the computers!
       One way  for students to use the computers and be reading is Magic Keys.  This site has free children's books  ( from pre-school  age  to young adult).   Some of the books have an audio component so the story can be read to them. This is nice for students who are struggling readers,   Also included on this site are games, riddles, quizzes,  and coloring pages.

     Another  great site is  Reading Rockets.  A good way to promote reading is to  do Author Studies. When doing the, have students watch author interviews. One place to do that is Reading Rockets. Here you will find 100 video interviews with top children's  book authors and illustrators.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Promoting Reading- Reading Displays!

     What are the ways that you promote reading?  Do you have reading contests and challenges? Holding Battle of the Books, and Caldecott Challenge are two ways , but there are lots of other ways.  Book displays,  posters are simple ways.
      Have student create displays  and posters for their favorite books. They can work individually or in small groups. I usually like to put two or three friends together and ask them to create a book display. They also make a small poster to tell what their display is about .  I find that when friends work together they can agree on what are their favorites and come up with great displays..
       I also hold this display as a contest and at the end of the specified time  have students vote on their favorite display. Winners are awarded prizes.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Announcing October Giveaway!

   Drum roll please!!!  The October Giveaway is the  book Library Life Savers by Pamela & Tamora Bacon.
And the winner is Natalie!  Natalie please email me with  the address where you would like me to send the book! Congrats and Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Technology Tools- Wired Wednesday

     Another great tool for teachers and librarians is Biblionasium.  This is a great site for students, teachers, parents, and librarians to use to help students fall in love with reading.  It is a safe social network for kids.
    Biblionasium allows students to build an independent reading porgram tailored to individual interests and reading levels. 
    Lists and recommendations can be built by class or individual.  The site uses mostly lexlie levels, The program tracks the progress of the students reading.

   Kids are encouragte to share books and recommend books to their peers.
   A grownup is needed for the student to be signed up. After that the student can run with it and enjoy the site.

  There are tools for teachers to monitor and assess reading progress.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Library Signage / Library Vocabulary

      The Storm is over- we did not get that much rain  but it was very windy! The wind knocked down a large pine tree right next to our house. Thankfully it fell away from the house , other wise we would have a tree throught the rooof of our living room.

   We did lose  electric, phone, heat, and internet  . We just got it back last night around dinner time on Sunday night..  I hope everyone is safe and has their electric .

      Now that you have your library vocabulary started- keep it going.  Do you have your signs up with definitions? Have you 'played ' some vocab games? What else can  you do with the signs and the vocabulary?    Make some games using the same words once you have  most of your vocabulary done.

     Try this: For the youngest set , you could make flash cards or make a concentration game. For intermediate and a little older ( middle  school) make several bingo boards with the words on the cards in several location and then  make cards to call  out with definitions.

    Try this: Take down the definitions  ( have them laminated). Have Students match  the definitions with the words.  Or swap and put up definitions and have students match up the vocabulary.
