Showing posts with label Library Sparks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Library Sparks. Show all posts

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Information Expert

     In your building there is at least one ( hopefully) information expert.  Yes it's you - the librarian. You have been trained to be an expert in the information field . You are the person who knows where to find information needed and how to find it as quickly as possible. 
     Searching for facts in print and non print resources  is a skill that also needs to be taught to both staff and  patrons /students to assist them in their quest to be 21st century learners and workers.  Students need to know this to become life long learners and  also to keep up with the most current information  .
     To be a good information expert , you will need the best information sources that you can afford .  A library with old outdated resources  is not the way to education today patrons. 
       Keeping up with the best resources is a full time job.  It is best to have several reliable reviewing sources   that are user friendly to help you with your task. My favorites are School Library Journal, Library Sparks,  Library Media Connection, Titlewave , Perma Bound, and Junior Literary Guild.  These are a combination of journals and jobbers but  they can help me keep up to date on the latest  and best books and resources ( print and electronic)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Library Sparks- Next Article

          Watch in December for my  next article  in Library Sparks!!  This is my third  article  in Library Sparks. This  will be on the  non-fiction book pass and how to use it for several lessons on  non-fiction book parts and beginning research  projects.   If you had seen my last article on Fiction book passes- you may want to check this out. I have used these lessons to showcase my new nonfiction and also teach the research process to younger students.
            Library Sparks is one of my favorite resources . There are so many great ideas in that magazine!  What is your favorite library journal?  Watch for my October Giveaway - coming soon!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Library Book Pass

I got a really nice comment from Stacy over at The LibraryGals. She did the fiction book pass and her students really liked it. Mine do too! I haven't done it in a while- maybe I should think about doing with my fourth grade classes this week- since it will be crazy and the kids will be off the wall.
This article was in the October issue of Library Sparks. I love this magazine- it always has great ideas using excellent books as jumping off points for many activities and lessons.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fiction book Pass article

My copy of Library Sparks came the other day and yes- my article :"Please Pass the books"was in there!! Naturally I showed everyone and gave a copy to my administrators! I actually had an email from a librarian who wanted to do the book pass with her students. I will post her comment in the comments below.
Did any of you see the article? Leave me a comment about what you think!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ficiton Book Pass Article

This week when you get your Library Sparks , Check out my article about Please pass the Books an article about fiction book passes for elementary students. Can
't wait to see it. There is also an online attachment for the book pass which should also work well. Let me know what you think about this article! Comments are very much appreciated!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

It's here!

My article, "Take Two: Recycling Book Jackets" is featured on the web resources! Check this out! It came out so cool! I love the illustrations they used and the charts they included.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Article out soon

My article "Using Book jackets for library games "will be an online extra for Library Sparks March issue! I haven't seen it yet so they may have changed the title a bit . If you get Library Sparks check it out! If you don't I will put up a link when I know its there. In the May June issue they will carry one of my tips that I sent in.