Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Marching on to new year

The middle of December! My data projector is fixed and I can show the students some of our Data bases!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


October is rolling along and I am still organizing and filing and throwing away at my new digs, in my new library, Trying to figure out a good bulletin board for November. I am getting ready to introduce to the students the Battle of the books. I have been doing the challenge for years and it is a blast! The kids love it to,

Friday, September 17, 2010

Third week of school. Still getting organized and into my new routine. I tried I new trick that seems to work. On 3by 5 cards, I jotted down some tasks that I need to do on a regular basis. I have one for daily, one for weekly, and monthly. This I placed up on my board with a card file.I can glance at that and see what tasks I need to complete. It seems to work for me. Try it you might like it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

New school!- new organizing tasks!

We are in a new school year and I am at a"new" school. So I have been busy getting acclimated and checking out filing cabinets and seeing what files are there. I am making a list of what files I have, and then I will organize them accordingly.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Summer Reading

What are you reading this summer?
I am reading some of my favorite authors- adult books which I like to read in the summer. I just completed my second Mary Stewart ( Rose Cottage). These are quick easy and satisfying reads for me. Great stories and well developed characters. and engaging plots.
What are you reading? I hope you are - its so nice to sit with a glass of tea in front of the fan and read. If it's not to hot I also like to sit outside.
Write and tell me what you are reading,

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Check out Peach Tree!

I just found a wonderful website that would be great for librarian's , teachers, and parents.
When you search their site you will see that Peach Tree publishers have fantastic books and lots of extras for parents, teachers , and librarians.
There is an online catalog , which is very easy to use. Also you can find information about their author's on extensive author pages. For teachers there is a section on book guides and some guided reading levels. Librarians have similar pages for themselves. There is also a section on author/ illustrator visits.
This is an easy site to get around on and you will learn a lot about their authors and books.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer Reading!

So what are you reading this summer? Summer is the perfect time to read. I have finished Stones into Schools (Mortenson) which is a sequel to Three Cups of Tea. This is the story of what Greg continues to work on building and setting up schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This story was not as fluid reading but still worth while.
Many schools in our area are doing community of readers with the first book. Also check out the wonderful website that goes along with the Three Cups of Tea book, you will find many ideas and activities that can go along with the story.