Over 45 states across the US. have chosen to adopt the Common Core Learning Standards. The Common Core specifies that student develop critical thinking skills, and problem solving skills need for academic success. What kinds of instruction helps student develop theses skills?
For the most part, student are required to obtain information about a certain subject and then do something with the information.. (Student reactions, independent work, increasing the amount and complexity of the reading) So they need to discover texts( information) and apply outside approaches.
Where does the school librarian and library fit in? Students need to discover and apply critical thinking to complex texts. The complex texts are found in the library where the librarian provides both print and electronic resources ( databases) and other online sources.
Students need opportunities to integrate information in various subjects areas. Librarians teach skill information skills that help student learn search and analyzing information sills, There are several data bases ( Contemporary Literacy Criticism & 21 Century Literacy Criticism both from Gale) that contain literary analysis.
Common Core looks beyond novel or textbook. The library and its resources support the Common core by identifying materials, and resources for instruction and assessments, Librarians contribute to CC work by collaborating, instructing a, and providing resources and materials,
For the most part, student are required to obtain information about a certain subject and then do something with the information.. (Student reactions, independent work, increasing the amount and complexity of the reading) So they need to discover texts( information) and apply outside approaches.
Where does the school librarian and library fit in? Students need to discover and apply critical thinking to complex texts. The complex texts are found in the library where the librarian provides both print and electronic resources ( databases) and other online sources.
Students need opportunities to integrate information in various subjects areas. Librarians teach skill information skills that help student learn search and analyzing information sills, There are several data bases ( Contemporary Literacy Criticism & 21 Century Literacy Criticism both from Gale) that contain literary analysis.
Common Core looks beyond novel or textbook. The library and its resources support the Common core by identifying materials, and resources for instruction and assessments, Librarians contribute to CC work by collaborating, instructing a, and providing resources and materials,