Monday, April 22, 2013

Organizing Library materials

     Normally books and materials in libraries are organized on the shelves by collection and classification. You may also have a Reference section and a periodical/magazine section.  Sections For audio visuals, listening kits, and cd's may depend  on the amounts  in each category. You may have then placed together or you may have each in its own collection and area.

     If you have books in demand- lets say you are doing a special  program ( Caldecott Challenge, Battle of the books, specialized classroom reference project, display or theme) you may want to pull out the books and isolate them from the regular collection. Place those books and resources in an easily accessible location for ease of use for both student, patron, and staff use.

   Shelving is done every day.  checking shelves of relocated items is also recommended,again depending on the length of the special program or theme.  Why is this important?

   It is important that patrons, students, or staff will be able to trace items form the catalog to the shelf.  To be able to find books / information quickly  is the the usual trade mark of a good library system

Friday, April 19, 2013

Orgamizing Your Office - Part 4

      Labeling is another great way to stay organized. When I had a proper office,  I think I labeled everything in site. Why did I do that?
     Well, with a very busy fixed scheduled over 600 students ( whose names I remembered   by giving them assigned seats when they came to class) , the rest of my brain was useless for where supplies were located.
      I labeled notebooks, shelves, and file cabinets. On my covered shelves , I labeled each door : what supplies and other items were inside.  ( Curriculum books, lesson plans, much used catalogs,  puppets, and av supplies)

     My file cabinets were also labeled on the outside. That way , with a listing, I could  have one of my aides file materials that needed to be filed,( Folders, catalogs, lessons completed, reports, and other items that I would need filed.

    Out in the library, my labeling always continues. By the circulation desk, I continue to label / or have a listing of what is  where. This is very helpful  , because I can tell an aide or student: "the glue sticks are in the blue bin."   Having labels  makes everything quick and easy for me .

   The book shelves are also labeled . This assists with shelving and also with pointing out to students when they are looking for books.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wired Wednesday- Technology Tools

   Quizlet is a site that allows students and teachers to  search  already designed learning sets( Flash card type games). These sets help students ( and adults) learn just about anything. Most  importantly they make learning fun  by using the technology of our computers.
   You can browse by many subject categories: Arts ; Literature, Languages &Vocabulary, Math & Sciences, History & Geography, and Standardized Tests ( AP classes, Sat's, GRE's,  Professional tests for college students )
   There are six different study modes using Quizlet's  flash cards( flash cards, speller,learn, scatters test, space race) to use to help students study in learn many different topics.
  The other option if you can't find your desired topic is to design your own  learning set.   There are also Brain training games that help you train your brain to be better preforming.  This site has a lot to offer to help students become better learners.

Monday, April 15, 2013

May bulletin Board for Libraries

  It  is the middle of April , so I am thinking of what to do about those bulletin boards.
 here are some ideas of what I have sued in the past.

Sneaking around with a good book- copies of sneakers , students will put on their favorite spring books  and ut them on the board.

-"When we read we Grow.'May flowers-  Blue Back ground
  Battle of the Books - groups. scrores , announcemtne.

"We're wild about Books!"- Jungle theme ( animals , trees) around slogan, maybe even titles on tree leaves, or book jackets if you have more room.

"Read, Reurn, Repeat"  Make slogan like the Recycle, Reduce, Reuse green arrows- put book jackets around that.

"Don't be angry -Read a Good Book"   Angry birds and book jackets or titles

Friday, April 12, 2013

Organzing your Library office - Part 3

                      Organizing your office to be more efficient can likely mean polishing up your filing system.     Providing  you have an in basket , you can begin . 
                            As you go through your basket ,determine what file it should go into. Give your files  names that will be  easy to recall  .   I made a listing of my file folders  and what is in each file  drawer so that I do not have doubles  in my cabinets (  see The Organized Librarian book).   Another  good idea would be to make a file index to go in the front of each file cabinet or drawer. This will help  you locate files you need quickly .
                     You may also want to figure out how long you will keep files. If they are dated , then you can easily  look at the items and determine if new material has been inserted and if the old can be thrown. If you do this on a regular bases then  your files will be current ( and not overloaded with outdated materials)
                      Take time each day or week depending on your schedule to go through your in basket.   I have three files into which I mark  :  To Do, To File, Catalogs.
                     I only keep catalogs that I know will be useful or that I will order from. These are kept in a separate file drawer marked by letters. When I file a new one , I throw the old one out unless I have marked some items/ titles for purchase.

                     I also have historical files that I keep for referencnce. These would be budgets from years past, book requests from staff,  old policy's, handbooks,  old curriculum, and other items that I do not use , but like to keep to refer  to if needed.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Technology Tools- Wired Wednesday

   Drop Box is not specifically made for teachers, but it is a great tool that they can use both for themselves and with students  if they use a lot of technology.   With drop box you can share documents, homework, videos, and links , , or you can have them available where-ever you are.

In other words , if you start something at school or work, and want to do something at home, you do not need to email it to yourself. Just put it in your drop box and pick up at home ( or where ever you have a computer ) to work on it again.

I have known teachers that have students put their work in the teachers drop box and then the teacher can look at when time arises.

You install  drop box on your computer , and then will have a drop box folder. Any time you want to save something to work on later, save it to your drop box and then you can work on it on your other computers, phones, or the drop box website.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Maintaining your Library Collection

         Now that you have your collection policy written, it is time ro trhink about how you will preserve and maintain your collecgtion.
         Proper care of the collection is necessary to prolong  the value of your collection.  We want to save our books and materials from deteroriation., Duting and cleaning books and shelves  should be carried out on a routine basis.
       Avoid having collections stored in damp places. Either remove or provide dehumidifying measures to keep books from being damaged.
          Collections that are small and heavily used are much easier to maintain. When books and material are circulated frequently , there is easy access to keeping them dust free and shelves cleaned.   If you have a collection that is not ciruclated as mucn, devised a dusting, cleaning, shifiting schedule to keep you books in good shape.

Book Repair
          Most libraries do their own repair. Some send them out depending on the severity of the repair neeced.  Keep you eye out for simple repairs that can help matian the material.. I keep a" hostipal box" close to the circ desk where I place books that need soemthing done.  Depending on what is in the box, I spend time each week  fixing each book so it can go back to the shelves.
        More severe jobs I set aside to see if it warrants a repair or a replacement.