There are so many ways that games can be used in the library. Here are just a few that I have either made and used, thought up, saw in a book or on the Internet.
Make it your self: 1. Take cards and make a "Find the book in the library Game" So Easy to do.
Take 3 by 5 cards . Make a game for each section of the library: Write down with permanent marker call numbers with letters for the students to find. Try to make a lot for each section so that many students can play at once. This is great to do especially after you have introduced the section and how to find the type of books. I have made these for Fiction, Non-fiction and Biography, Easy section and easy non-fiction section. The kids love to do this and think they are really playing a game.
2. Treasure Hunt /Map game.
Make a map of your library. Leave out all the labels. Make another sheet with items to find. I number each one. Tell the students to write the number of each item on the place where they find it in the library. Younger students can work in pairs if you like.
Items to have them find: Circulation desk, computers, fiction section, non-fiction section, biography's, reference, tables and chairs story time area, ect.
3. Genre Bingo- At the end of the year use this to review or as a culminating activity. Make a playing card with Genres or Bingo across the top. In each block, write a genre . Give at least one free token, and you can also include and non-fiction / reference in this game. Students can work in groups or singly. Tell or show titles, they must figure out what genre and place a marker on the correct spot. You may also discuss what the genre should be , and may want to check when someone announces BINGO. Have small prizes for this one.
4. Dewey Bingo: Similar to Genre Bingo. In the boxes place Dewey categories and numbers. Show or tell titles of books in your library. Discussion of what category may be needed, Have small prizes.