Tuesday, March 24, 2015

April Ideas for Librarians

     It 's time again to start thinking about April!   I like to always think ahead! Some ideas for your bulletin boards! Adapt them to your needs and space!

     I've got a poem in my pocket!-- pockets with poems typed stuck in- these can be changed  weekly. Or let  students put in their  favorite poems.

     Get Graphic@ the Library!  Scan covers of some of your Graphic Novels and put on a colorful Bulletin Board.

      Get Hooked on  Books!- Fishing line with book titles or covers along the line.
( Fishing for a good Book)

     Spring into Reading with Great Books

      Sports Stories

      It's Raining Books- Put an umbrella in the corner of the bulletin board. Then place large blue and grey raindrops with book titles on them.( Again let students put up their favorites.

     April showers bring great books! ( Similar to above idea)

National Humor Month
School Library Month
DEAR- Drop Everything and Read

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Read it Forward.com

      Readitforward.com is a very interesting and exciting site. It is a great place to discover new books that have just been released . It is also a site where users can 'read it forward" and tell other readers when you discover a books that you absolutely love.

    On Readitforward , you can discover the next best seller even before it is out in books stores and libraries.  Weekly, there are behind the scenes  articles from authors and booksellers.
Also each week,  there is a Read it first giveaway. You can enter for a chance to win an advanced reader copy.

   There are two weekly newsletters that you can subscribe to: Read it forward book giveaways and what we are reading.  Other tabs on the main page to check out are: author essays, your reading life, bonus book content, and most read blog posts.

   Check this out and see if it is for you.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Helping readers connect with books!

   What can we do to help our readers connect with books? What kind of services can we offer?

   At our branches, we have several options that we do every month.  Our first and best  option is the brochure of new arrivals that is published at the beginning of each month.  This gives titles and also indicates  at which  branch  the books are located.  Also in each  branch, we have a dedicated section of the new arrivals so that make it easy for patrons to find the newest books!

  We also have similar 'new book " shelves in our juvenile and Ya section.  Our catalog is another way for readers to find and connect with new interesting books

 They can also view and select ebooks from our website and borrow them to their reading device.

 But our most interesting and effective way that we can  help readers connect with books and authors is through staff interaction. By talking about books( what they like, what we like) we can do indirect reader advisory  with our patrons.  The staff can provide ideas and suggestions  for the patrons,

What else do you do to connect readers to patrons? How do you help them connect with new books and authors?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Librarians under pressure to connect

   Libraries are under pressure to connect with patrons.  Technology may just be the key  we need to help up do that.

  When staff and funding are tight, then  is the time to start doing things differently.  Because of technology , libraries can use the latest tools to connect with patrons.  After all we are in the 21 st century.  Why not pull out all the stops  we can to get patrons using our resources and programs.

   But wait- why do we have to connect?  We want to match patrons to the books and information they want and need .  We want to free up routine tasks that staff spend time on so they can interact with patrons  and help them achieve their goals.

  As library staff we need to determine how we can use our website, face book page , or a twitter to excite and draw interest  with our comments, questions, and interests. So let's get thinking,  What other social media  can we use? Instragram, Pinterest? Q Codes?  What can we do with them?
  I would love to hear what your library does to help connect and pull in patrons  Comment below and share how you use social media to create  patron interest and participation,

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Book Bub is a free daily email that gives you notices about ebooks with a deep deep discount.  ( like 2.99, 1.99 &; .99)  There are many categories  to choose from : mysteries, actions, advice, biographies, children, cooking, historical fiction, history, horror , just to name a few.

  Book Bub features bestsellers and bestselling authors and books that have received good reviews from both critics and readers.  You can customize the types of books that you receive emails about.

  There are also links to Amazon, Kindle, Barnes & Noble,  apple books, & Goggle p[play so you can easily get the ebook for your specific device.

  At the bottom of the page, you can see links to free ebooks and free kindle books.  There is a bookbub blog which has informative and easy to read articles  about books and authors.   Also on the blog are tabs with must read articles, book lists by categories, links to most popular posts and quotes from authors and best selling books.

Book Bub is a great place to explore if you read a lot of ebooks!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


   Yournextread.com has  a mission of providing input for the books you want to read next.  This site is designed for people who love to read but do not have lots of time to search for their next book.    One of their  ideas  and missions is to help readers find new authors.  

   Yournextread will help you find books, recommend books , link to other readers and also link you to Amazon if you wish to buy your next read.

  On the home page  there are featured books which you can click on. If you log in and register, you can create a really cool reading map.( There are examples for you to browse through) . The first thing you can do is to type in a book you like and it will lead you to similar books  , it will give suggestions on all levels.  The site also lets you share what you are reading , and connects up to GOOD READs. 

  Check out Yournextread.com and see if you like what it has to offer!

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Publiclibrariesonline.com  is the companion website to the print journal, Public Libraries.   This is an official publication of the PLA ( Public Library Association) .  PLO focuses on issues and topics that concern Public librarians. 
the great part about this online journal is that it has great content and offers online interaction (comments, and social media sharing)  There is also daily updates, reviews, editorials, and author interviews.  Readers are also invited to submit their work.

On the main page there are many interesting articles on current issues / opinions in public libraries.  Under books & More you can find interviews with authors, and ebook reviews. 
  Under the magazine tab, featured articles from each issue are shown in full length.

  There is very interesting and informative content here, The articles provide insight to issues and give ideas of what is going on the public library world.
 Popular posts are highlighted on the side, and they indicate magazines features , news , and opinion. All in all very interesting  and informative site to help public librarians  with their jobs.