Sunday, August 4, 2019

Book Review-The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek

    The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek  by Kim Michele Richardson.   It's 1936 in Kentucky, one of the book woman is Cussy Mary, takes her books to patrons by mule. There are many miles ad obstacles to over come on her route: animals, weather, underbrush, and folks who want to harass her because she has blue skin.
  Cussy Mary and her kin have blue skin , so they are treated as "colored". Cussy is a wonderful book woman to her patrons, some of whom are cautious because of color of her skin, and some who treat her no differently at all. She reads to some of her patrons and tries to help them as much as  she is able( bringing food and medicine, and company) Her library supervisor  gives  her a hard time because of her color. Her patrons become part of her life. This is a book based on the people who delivered the books in Kentucky I did't want it to end! You've got to read this !

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Book Review- The Orphan's Song

 I have been reading quite regularly since school is out. I just finished The Orphans Song by Lauren Kate. She is a YA  author - I will check at school to see what / if we have any of hers. My Public library did not - which was surprising since the book jacket said they were excellent.  This is a historical fiction  which was right up my alley,
  Violetta  and  Mino meet on the roof of the Orphanage ( run by nuns) . Their musical talent draws them together and they spend hours with Violetta singing and Mino playing his violin. Each week they grow closer. and closer,
 When Mino is ready for his apprenticeship  , he declares his love for Violetta. But Violetta does not think she can leave her church singing when she is close to being asked to join the special choir of talented singers
Mino, in search  of his mother, goes out into Venice , distraught over losing his mother and Violetta,   Eventually he finds a wife who bears him a child. He begins to develop his Violin repair business, Violetta continues to sing . But she begins  secret nightlife of singing out side the church, which is forbidden.
 Neither Violetta or Mino really finds what they looking for,  An odd  relationship  that develops for Violetta which  finally brings about a interesting and satisfying conclusion,
  I couldn't stop reading this- excellent book. I want to look for more of Lauren Kate's work.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Budget Work for the Library

   This year I had to really streamline the way I kept track of my allocated funds. In the past I had done an excel  or google spread sheet to keep track . By doing this I knew I was accurate in what  I had spent and what I had left.
   But this year I went back to just doing paper based budget because I did not have time or patience to do the spread sheet. So staring with my beginning totals, I would just list and subtract  orders (both supply and books ) as I went along.I had a total as I went along. I could keep a running track of how much I had spent and what was left.  This is important to do as they year goes along.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Book Review & Orders

    This year I used my system outlined  in my book "The Organized Librarian"( See info on book page for ordering).  This helps me keep track of reviews that I read, and what books I ordered. This is a simple sheet that I use as I read in my journals and check on Amazon / Junior Library Guild. ( Those are the two vendors I like to use)
   I list the reviews from the starred reviews and the reviews that have been read. This helps me keep track of what  I have read. When I got to place an order, I take a sheet and can quickly place an order . I then note what has been ordered. We check the shelves and the  catalog  before finalizing the order to avoid duplicates.
  This makes ordering  so much easier!!

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Summer Vacation

   Yesterday was the first day of summer Vacation. Actually I was able to get everything accomplished - the basics  before the last day of school. We had 4 half days for students . So I got my grades done  and my summer reading list for the website.
And I got my budget finalized and did not lose any funds.
     The end of year items were also completed. We did not do inventory this year. I had planned to do it in September  but 2 weeks before school , they dropped the bomb that I was to have  5 classes per day plus a study hall. So the year was done on a minimal basis.
     So now I am focused on relaxing, catching up on house work, writing , and of course reading!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

'Tidying Up' the School Library- SLJ

     I am finally catching up on my reading- yes this year I am Way Way  behind!!   I actually did this quite a few years ago when my school and library were being renovated from a Middle school to an Elementary school. In my office We shoved every thing( supplies) willy nilly  into boxes when we were packing! When we got into the renovated space and it was the beginning of the year, we just shoved the boxes into brand new cabinets. ( It was a big office with even a bathroom!)
   But then of course , I did not know where anything was! So I dumped boxes into the center of the room and began to organized everything!  And put supplies away, And mark the cabinets,  And labeled every drawer, and cabinet  so I knew where everything was and how much I had! And I did make a map so that I could glance at the map to help me find what I was looking for!
    Read this article  & check out my article on organizing your supplies in The Organized Librarian!
See info above for ordering or check out Amazon.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Library Bulletin Boards - April

 It 's time again to start thinking about April!   I like to always think ahead! Some ideas for your bulletin boards! Adapt them to your needs and space!

     I've got a poem in my pocket!-- pockets with poems typed stuck in- these can be changed  weekly. Or let  students put in their  favorite poems.

     Get Graphic@ the Library!  Scan covers of some of your Graphic Novels and put on a colorful Bulletin Board.

      Get Hooked on  Books!- Fishing line with book titles or covers along the line.
( Fishing for a good Book)

     Spring into Reading with Great Books

      Sports Stories

      It's Raining Books- Put an umbrella in the corner of the bulletin board. Then place large blue and grey raindrops with book titles on them.( Again let students put up their favorites.

     April showers bring great books! ( Similar to above idea)

National Humor Month
School Library Month
DEAR- Drop Everything and Read