Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Librarians- 5 things to do in December
Monday, November 16, 2020
Library bulletin boards for December
December is almost around the corner so it is time to start thinking of new bulletin boards. I like to plan ahead so I start now to figure out what I will put up. I usually keep my bulletin boards from year to year, So many times I can just pull on out and put it up. I do not put the same one up each year- I alternate.
December Bulletin Boards Slogans
Seasons Readings - Put a wreath in the middle with students favorites all around. I use scanned covers.
LOL- Place large letters in the center, Place names or covers of books jokes and riddles.
Mittens- make large mittens out of construction paper, Have students write their favorite books on the mitten. Slogan: Keep Warm With Great Books
Battle of the Books: Place photos of teams on the board with Team names and date of competition.
Books Are Gifts You Give Yourselves.
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Books on explaining death to young children
We had a rough week last week. Family friends of ours lost their young daughter at the age of 14 month. The young mother said that her youngest son who is about 3 years old didn't have a clue what was going on.
So I was trying to remember what books on death of a family member or pet would be good for that age group.
1. I miss you/ Pat Thomas. This book explains that death is natural and that feeling grief and loss are feelings that you may have. As a counselor and psychotherapist, Thomas brings a simple story line for ages 3-6 that is easy to understand.
2. Ida Always/ Carson Levine. A story of two polar bears, Gus and Ida. Ida becomes sick with an illness.
She can't seem to get well, and she later dies. Again told in simple language that is easy to understand.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
National Literacy Month- September
September is National Literacy Month. You can challenge your students and patrons , young and old, to go to the library and pick a great book to read.
Parents, teachers, and librarian can encourage making reading part of daily life. You can also tell stories, talk to students about their favorite books, take them to the library or book store to get books. Every ordering online will encourage students
Some other ideas: Read to you children/ students. Volunteer to read to grand kids, school kids, or neighbors.
You can donate books that you have already read.
Here is a website that you might checkout.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Library Bulletin Boards for September
I will put up one of the following. When I make a bulletin board I always take a photo and keep the pieces in a homemade folder.
Fall in Love with Reading
Leaf though a Good Book
Fall in love with your library
Rake in a good read
Welcome Back - The books missed you!
All of these can be done with a simple background, a tree, and some leaves!
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Library ideas for back to school!
How can we help students this fall in the library? What if the library is not accessible?
First of all Encourgare reading and learning
1. If students can not come to the library for books that consider "curbside Pickup" or "Delivery".
Do a video / zoom ( YouTube or something your school uses) and explain to student how to do holds on your computer system. Then staff can handle materials , get them delivered or have them picked up bu the students.
Develop a system also ( and explain it ) on how to do returns to make sure the student knows what to do,
( Make sure teachers and staff also know how to request materials) Do this even if you open so that if students are really busy they can still get books and resources)
2. Do read alouds. Again if you cant do this in person, set up a video / zoom/ google meet or whatever works . Take time at the end of discuss the book Set up a program where students can answer questions or further discuss the book.
3, Promote digital books that you have in the library system. Promote Digital book sites that have free online reading, Promote digital resources that you have for classroom use. Put it on your website, and promote with flyers or anyway you can.
Getting your teachers to buy into this will help and give you time to advance the library!
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Free Library Lesson- Moe Willems
I happen to love The Piggie and Elephant series. Again, Moe uses dialogue and funny situations to move the story along.
Go to Moe's website and you can find his Bio and some activities to go along with his books.
Two of my Favorites and somethings to do with them.
We are in a Book
1. Have students make a book with pictures .( drawn or cut out from old magazines). Have students identify each one with word bubbles.
2. Make a book with two characters telling jokes . This could be a class activities with each student doing one page, illustrating it and writing word bubbles. Put the book together as as class book.
The Thank You Book
Students can make a class book or individual book of what they are thankful for. They can describe it in word bubbles.(Think November)
Hopefully your desk is now ready to go. It is cleared of files ( See The Organized Librarian book- tab up at top for more on files a...
My copy of Library Sparks came the other day and yes- my article :"Please Pass the books"was in there!! Naturally I showed everyo...
A new school year! Time for new schedules, meetings, Common core standards, and library information skills and library literacy! But ...