Monday, June 3, 2013

Staff Development

     As school librarians, we need to become leaders in our schools. We ( along with administrators) are the professionals that have the overall snapshot of the school community’s instruction and curriculum. Work now with your administrators to set up a schedule for staff development for the next school year.

     One of the first staff development workshops that you can do during teacher conference days is an Orientation to the data bases that your school has. This will give everyone a push to get the teachers thinking about which ones they can use with their students. At this time, offer to help classes learn how to use databases or mention that they can be used when the classes are doing research, guided inquiry or non-fiction texts.

     During the year, listen to staff and see what they need as far as staff development. Is there a grade level that wants to infuse more technology? Set up a date and time for them to go through some of the Web 2.0 tools that you know how to use.

     Some more ideas for staff development: e-sources, primary sources, information literacy skills, streaming video sites for your state- show them how helpful they can be, digital projects, inquiry based learning, and resources for the common core.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Library Blogs- new page on the Organized Librarian

       I have a new page on this site . I took off the technology page and now have a Libray Blog page.  On here I will be adding library blogs that I have read and ones I recommend. Most of them will be active with new posts on a weekly basis. There are a few that are   do not have current items but the posts on there will be ones that librarians will get some great ideas and lessons from so I have inlcuded them.
     What are your favorte library blogs?  There are so many out there with so many librarians really sharing their lessons , curriculum, and  what they are doing in their libraries.  I find them so interesting to read all about their activiies and see the photos of their libraries.

     So check back each week as I add  the latest blogs I have been reading.  And let me know if you have found a great one that is worth sharing!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wired Wednesday- Tech Tools

    Livebinders. com is an easy way to organize and a great tool for digital  portfolios . Once students log in, they can upload their work ( documents, links, illustrations, and pod casts) , and then be able to share with their parents and the community.  Livebinder is a free tool, so everyone can sign up for their own page.

   Documents  are organized just like a three ring binder so there are tabs and sub tabs. Students can add images they have created ( photographs, illustrations to stories, and reports, art works, documents in PDF formats, videos, and podcast they have made. Also they will be able to include, links to wikii's, or blogs can be places in their livebinder.

   The organization tool cane be edited / changed at any time. Students can show parents  on computers  or laptops or even a smart board if needed for a student/ parent conference.

   LiveBinder organizes educational materials online and is easily assessable. It helps make organizing  and sharing easy.   But don't just use livebinder for student digital portfolios- use it to help organize your resources in the library. The possibilities are endless- you can organized curriculum , plan book, common core materials, policy & procedures  and lessons all on one livebinder!!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Creating Digial Portifolios with students

        A Digital Portfolio is a  purposeful collection of student work that shows the student's  personal   growth and espansion of knowledge and skills over the the course of the year  in a digital   format.
       The digital portfolio allow studetns, teachers and parents to see some of the actual work the   studnet did during the year.  Teachers and students decide on what to put into   the portfolios . The portfolio is an actual fille put on a webstie, Cd,   or zip drive.
     On a digital protoflio there will  be  an organized collection of  projects, articles, reviews,  and lessons  that  students  have done  that demostrate what the student has sccomplished during the school year. .   Each portfolio  organization depends on the student and the amount of information that is placed into the portfolio and the type of file that it is placed in.
      A Digitla portfolio is also one of the best ways for students to show thier knowleged of the use of technology and how it is applied to school and everyday life. In the years to come  this will be important to both students, teachers, employers and workers.
      Now on to find the best way to present Digital Portfolios  with students!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wired Wednesday- Tech Tools
 is a site developed for conducting online collaborative  meetings and classes. Teachers and librarians can build an online community to share presentations, files and resources.  It allows you to tack events, share information, and do collaborative projects with both staff and students.
       You can make your " room" private( for a specific members of a class) or public, where anyone can join in to give ideas and discussions.  Private areas requires a password for students and members to log in.
        Once in "Big Marker) originators can share screens  with texts or audio.   You could also turn your web cam on so students can see you. This would be a great way to begin using the technology to create an 'online ' class or discussion area. There is also a whiteboard that you and your students can write  or draw on and can give comments, questions and ideas.
        Originators/ Creators control who can be seen or heard in the audio and video so you will have a way to screen the content that goes   in to your 'room' on Bigmarker.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Collaboration - Cooperation ( Level 2)

   You  may be past the first level of collaboration  or you may have begun to press on to the next level.  The cooperation level is an extension of the coordination level because of its not having teachers and librarians truly work and plan together.
  On this level , there are informal and short term tasks , activities, and lessons that librarians and teachers work on at the same time. There is no yet an established mission or defined structure.
    In this level of collaboration, librarians and teachers share information about the current project. Each one has his/her own part of the project that they are working on , but they work is done individually. The out come is a cooperative  event and the learning of skills is given by each partner.  Students will see the benefit if this type of learning. They will learn skills that are needed for the project at hand.

  Here is what a level 2 cooperation collaboration might look like:
    A teacher requests that the librarian teach the students certain research skills because    he/she wants the student to do a research project on a certain subject/ topic.  The librarian leads the class to the steps of the research and they do research on their topic along the way of doing the research.
    Then the teacher has them continue their work on the project, possibly bringing the students to the library or computer lab to help them complete  the assignment. The teacher does the final  grading/ assessment of the assignment. The librarian might keep a shelf of resources reserved for the students to use as they complete the project.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Library Bulletin Boards for June

   Some ideas for you for your June Bulletin Boards::  It's the end of the year so get ready for lots to do!

  Summer Read- Feature covers of student favorites . Use names and say" Jeanne recommends"

  Get Carried away with Books- Balloons or hot air balloons. If you want - add titles to balloons.

   Hot Days- Cool Books- summer scene-  reading on the beach

  Photos of students  reading their favorite books in their favorite places.

  Dive Deep  Into Reading- under the ocean, fish, sharks, water plants.

Special Days:
Fathers Day
Flag Day