Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Booklist online- advisory source and book reviews!

  Another great resource for both readers advisories and book reviews is Booklist online. Yes it is one and the same - from the journal Booklist!   And it is from the experts - ALA! So this site and the  journal itself is a great source for  both public and school librarians looking for  reputable reviews.

   BookListonline is a free website that offers a great selection of the Booklist content.  Plus there are many reviews of recommended reviews. Also included are some of the features written for Booklist online. If you are a subscriber to Booklist- you can obtain even more content.  But even if you are not a subscriber there are many features that are available for you to use. There are many columns, departments, and features available.

     Some things to check out on this site :  Review of the day, links to booklists from certain publishers with certain genres, links to Booklist latest articles( Latest- Editors Choices for 2013), links to blogs  from Booklsit staff and reviewers( Booklist Buzz, & Shelf Renewal ), links to current newsletters,  and links to sign up for Free Webinars!

   So check out  www.booklistonline.com/  to find out some  great content and reviews!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Top 5 Library Blogs of 2013

  2013 has been a good year  for The Organized Librarian. I had time early in the year to really develop some great ideas for school and public libraries.  Now that I am a branch library manager, I am using my searching time to unearth great articles and sites to help me move into the public sector of librarianship. I hope they have helped you also. 

1. Why should Librarians Teach Technology?

2. What Should Libraries Look Like Today?

3. Mystery Websites for October

4.Organizing Workspaces at your Library

5. Routines at the Public Library


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Holidays!

 I would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday and  a Merry Christmas.! Enjoy your time off and your family and friends!
   I will be back posting after a short break- Probably at the start of the New Year!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Value of lists! ( Master Lists )

       I find that Master lists ( of to do's ) and Daily lists help me greatly in getting  task and activities done on a daily and weekly basis.    I try to keep my lists in sight as I go about my daily routines , whether I am at work or at home.

      The reason I do this is because it really helps me stay organized and focused on what I need to do.  I also use my lists  and prioritize   the tasks on them.   I use a simple  way to tag the activities I must do.

      When  I put lists on paper ( or on the computer- but I feel paper is better for me , because then I can SEE the list) I will delegate a letter- A most important,  B  and C. That's where I stop( as far as letters go)

     Another idea that I like to do with my Master list is to make two columns : one for most important things I NEED to do, and a second column of things I WANT to do.   I also place due dates on items that have a complete by date so I know when I must be done.

    Also on my Master lists I will put do by dates if I have them. This way I can focus on what is most important.
     Check out my book The Organized Librarian- click on the link above for ordering instructions.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Internet Resources for Readers Advisories- Ficiotn_L

     There are many Internet  resources for Readers Advisories. As I discover them I will pass along the ones I find are best for both school and public libraries.   Many of the Internet resources are really amazing with the amount of information that they contain.

   FictionL  is found on the Morton Grove Public Library ( Illinois) site.   This is an electronic  mailing list where librarians can ask and answer questions relating to providing readers advisories to patrons.,  It is intended for use by librarians and leaders of book discussions, but anyone can subscribe to it if they want.

   There are many topics that is contained with this link: book discussions, book talks, issues on collection development , book lists, and bibliographies. n   There are many topics discussed here . Some additional items  are audio books, reading clubs, and print and electronic resources.

  Once you get on here , you will find  this a valuable tool. Especially if you have a question about a title, give them a clue and they will come up the title that you are looking for  it with an obscure  item from the book.

  There is an archive   of all Ficiotn_L postings back to the beginning. There is a search form enabling librarians and patrons to search  a topic of interest .   There are book lists  made available for use by librarians and patrons.   You can find lists of : genres, character, setting, subject, author, audience,  and miscellaneous.    I am looking forward to using this my self and also letting my clerks and patrons know how easy it is to use.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

New York Public Library- blog for librarians

    I n looking for blogs for public and school librarians , I happened across  The New York Pubic library's website   http://www.nypl.org, which has a link to quite a few blogs that are done by staff.  Why In have never been on their website is now a wonder to me!  There is so much there to see and explore. I am going to go back and explore some more because I think there is a lot  of information that I can use in my new position as library manager:  book lists,  reviews
   When you get to the site, look at the tabs on the top and click on Explore.  That will give you a drop down box and there you will find the link for the blogs.   You can select posts of channel or subject . Now these have a variety of topics, some will highlight up and coming programs. Many of these programs are past, but you will see what they  had and it may help give you some ideas for your library and your programs.
  The blogs  that are listed are very interesting and helpful, and provide a variety of topics that are educational for both librarians and patrons. The blogs cover a range of topics and are written by experts in their fields ,of which most are employed by the New York Public library.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Readers Advisory- Indirect

   In the last couple of posts, I have talked about Readers Advisory's.  But we can also indirectly advise and advance students and patrons reading .Some patrons and students might actually prefer this indirect way to direct conversations.

    Here are some simple indirect readers advisories;

1. Displays of certain genres- with a slogan "Looking for a Good Book?"

2. Reading Guides( If you liked_____(an author or genre) then try these!) the student or patron can pick it up on their own ad read it with out speaking or asking a librarian or reader's advisor.

3. Annotated Book lists- again the patron can read brief blurbs about books. Our library provides a monthly list of new titles this way.

4. Book Marks- This is another indirect way to show books in a specific genre,

5. Staff recommendations. Display or list what the library staff is currently reading .This makes it way for staff and patrons.

  Where should we have these displays or lists? How about near the entrance of the library , in high traffic areas, at the end of stacks , or other areas where people congregate or meet. This is where patrons and students will see the displays and are more likely to catch a quick book to read. These books on display usually circulate quickly.

 So if you are new to readers advisory, this may be the way to start!