Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Lesson-: 1-2-3 Summary

 Many times we ask students to read and summarize an article or a passage . We want them to be able to present an overview of the article. We need them to tell us what new information they acquired.

   An organizer can help them show what they understanding about the information given. Give then the article and a graphic organizer to the students. In the first section( it can be a bubble, rectangle, or square)  , they will fill in prior knowledge ( what they already know about the subject before reading) .

  While students read have them highlight or underline the important ideas  in the paragraphs Then in the second section ,they can write in 3 or 4 main or most important facts they have discovered.

  In the third space, students can write down a fact or idea that was interesting to them , or a question they had about the topic. Students can then use this to write a short summary if you wish.

  The first time you do this , you may want to model what to do in each section. This can be adapted to almost any grade level.  You could have students do this in pairs.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Library Jobs for students

   Our Professional Development person and our principals tell us that we as teachers are working to hard. They want the students to become more involved in the education and more invested in their learning.

  So during class time and instruction time, students should have responsibilities in the learning process. So I am incorporating this into my information literacy lessons. I have made a poster describing the jobs briefly.  So , there is a tech person who sits at the computer to deliver the power point. Also there are paper people who pass out paper, readers to read the slides. Recorders – which is most of the student taking notes.  The rest of the students are student repeaters who need to be able to repeat /explain the lesson or task to their table mates/ classmates.

Thursday, April 12, 2018


  Mrs, YinglingReads bog is a great find! She is a middle school librarian who shares book reviews.
She has read all of the books in her library! What an accomplishment!!
   Her blog is so neat. I can't wait to read as many of her reviews as I can and get some good ideas for books for my library!  This will be a great resources for me and other librarians looking for ideas for books for their libraries.
   I like her reviews. They are detailed . She also gives the book strengths and weaknesses, and the verdict- what she really thinks  about the book.
  She is really organized with her reviews- there are also tabs with suggestions  for books similar to famous titles that are the same genre.( there are suggestions for Adventure, fantasy, historical, humorous, and sports books.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Getting More Done

   There are several rules of organizing your day to get more accomplished. I read everything I can on organizing in hopes of reducing the stress of having much to do in a short amount of time. Organizing my time seems to help the most. Through my reading, I have found some things that work for me and may also work for you.

   Step 1:   Keep a running record/ master list of items you need to do. Put anything you can think of that needs doing on your master list. That way it is written down and you don’t have to worry about forgetting something.  I am sure there is an app or an online way to this but I still like to use pencil and paper. If you find a good way to do this online, go for it, if that works for you.

  Step 2: Build your daily to do list. Take items from the master list and put them on your daily list. But only write those tasks that you can realistically do in one day. So don’t overload yourself. Give yourself some leeway if you have scheduled items, or if you find that some tasks might take longer than expected.

    Then at the end of each day (or at the very beginning) take 15 minutes to map out your priorities to see what your daily schedule will look like.

Friday, April 6, 2018 site for education!

     Newseumed. org is a partner site of the Newseum Museum in Washington, DC. They offer to teachers and student s free educational programs, primary sources, and resources based on history, information literacy (media literacy) and social studies topics. Also there is online access to front pages, videos, and artifacts in their museum collection. 
   They are committed to offering educational tools that helps develop skills that learners can be knowledge about our countries past and present. 
    The sites provide online resources, and tools that include primary resources and online classes and training. Also they have specially curated collections with primary sources on many educational topics.
   This site can be useful to social studies, ELA, Librarians, and tech teachers.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Description of my library

   My library is an old (100+ years) building so it is not an up to date place. We do want we can to make it inviting and inviting but we really do not have much to work with.   But I love my job – our staff is wonderful, and the kids are great to work with!

   We have a bank of 6 computers that can be used my students and staff. Our Refere4nce collection is old and not really used all that much.   The collection is OLD- but I am trying to bring g up the age of the books. My budget is not really able to keep up. I try to order a lot of books from Junior Library guild, especially the sales because that really increases the age of our collection. I also order from Perma bound because they have free replacement of books damaged by use.
  We do have nice but old wooden tables and chairs that have held up really well. Our circulation desk is just – a teacher desk with a milk crate for a book drop!

  We do have a smart board for my presentations and the presentations of any staff developers that come in for professional learning.