Even though I teach 7th grade Inofrmation Literacy skills, I find that /ElementaryLibrarian.com is very useful in many cases and also adaptable. Although I am not a subscriber to the entire service, I most likely would be if I were at the elementary level where I had to plan weekly lessons for 5 or 6 grades. I did sign up for their monthly emails , and they come with links to lessons and the resources needed to go with them.
I have used some of the lessons without adapting and some I have changed just slightly. The extra resources are printables and also some have power points. Having just discovered this I find it very helpful when doing my planning of lessons and it gives me great ideas for things I could include in my lesson rotation.
I have used some of the lessons without adapting and some I have changed just slightly. The extra resources are printables and also some have power points. Having just discovered this I find it very helpful when doing my planning of lessons and it gives me great ideas for things I could include in my lesson rotation.