Friday, February 16, 2018

Organize your day- Map out a schedule

    After you have your master list written for the week or day, and prioritized you jobs/ tasks. A good step would be to maps out when you will complete your items.
    All Commitments, / appointments. / Scheduled classes   should be put first into your plan book or daily planner at the time specified,
   Then you can incorporate from your master to do list. Look at the most important items (marked with an A) and then B items. Write these tasks / activities in available time slots. But do not pack in more to dos than you can realistically get finished.
    Also allow 30 minutes in your daily schedule every day so you have a little flexibility in case things don’t go as planned.

    Also leave yourself time at the end of the day to work on the next few days schedule.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


This is one of the coolest sites I have seen in a long long time- I am so excited
to show this and use this with my teachers and classes!! Boy will this save time
for so many educators. And the students will LOVE it!
If you haven't seen this before - check it out. I want to use this with students for black history month! ( there are many great books here) Also  there are teachers guides for most of the books so you can really use the books for extending learning!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Google arts and Culture

Google arts and Culture

 Google arts and Culture is a fascinating site to explore!  There are collections of art, history, and   images / stories about people and places around the world from a variety of  sources.  I could spend hours and hours just browsing. But there is also a search box so  you can ask for specific topics to see what you come up with- I put in World War I and got tons of information  including  articles, videos , images, and primary sources. There is art work, from the time period, photographs, illustrations,  and flyers from this time.  Just check this  out- you will find something that is interesting and you can use!
History, Music, Art and Social Studies teachers are most likely to use this in their classes February's theme is Black History Month - which includes( Under Home)  Black History and Culture. There is enough material here to explore black History  for several months!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Book publishing sites is a site that offers authors young and old  the ability to create their own books and share stories and knowledge. Lulu Jr. (for young children) and Lulu allows students and adults to become published authors. The site is encouraging and helps build literacy skills.
Lulu provides tools to help you publish your work for personal use or to sell for pro0fit. There are many resources: featured videos, articles on the knowledge for publishing, forums for discussion, and self-publishing guidelines. This would be great to use with students to help them with writing goals. There is an area for teachers to manage their classes and their students work.

  Story bird’s  claim is that anyone can produce visual stories in seconds.  Illustrators and artists around the world have their art work available for use by creators of stories.  Families, student’s & teachers, and authors use story bird to create  & publish their own stories.

  Visitors to the site can read books from their favorite writers. They can create their own stories and share them with friends and families.  Teachers can help their students use Story Bird to have them learn the art of writing and have them produce their own books. (This encourages  reluctant writers and readers) Authors use story bird to give them a growing audience and connect with more readers,

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Weekly Reading- So Be it

  Heidi and her mother (So B. it) live in Reno, next to Bernadette. Bernadette and Heidi take care of mother (who is mentally challenged) . Heidi has been with Bernadette and her mm since Heidi was a week old. Heidi doesn’t have aby other family that she knows of. 
   But when she finds some old photos, she being to wonder and ask questions about who the people were in the pictures. Her Mom’s limited vocabulary includes Soof. Heidi cannot figure out what it means. Heidi and Bernie start making calls to Liberty, NY to try and find out about the people in the phots..

  Heidi travels to liberty and finally gets the answers she is looking for. This is a bittersweet story that I would totally recommend.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Librarian and the Principal

   Advocate for your library and its programs and increase your influence with your principal. This is one sure way to make sure your principal doesn't want to close the doors on your library. Think of your principal . What does he/she need? What materials and services would be helpful to them? What do they care about? What makes them successful?  What does the principal want to accomplish?

   Influence come when the school librarian  helps solve the principal's and staff members problems or help them achieve their goals.  So, begin by finding out your principals objectives and concerns. In addition to your annual and monthly reports. speak to you principals about what they want to see happening  in the schools. Are you helping to achieve the goals of the school and the students?

 This will go along way to keeping your programs alive!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Weekly Reading- The Magnolia Story

    I am a big fan of Fixer Upper(HGTV) , so my husband got me "The Magnolia Story"  by Chip & Joanna Gains for Christmas.  Chip and Joanna met at her Fathers Firestone store  when Chip was there with a friend. Chip was outgoing and an entrepreneur. Joanna  called her self an introvert.  After dating , they were soon married and lived in their first renovated home.

  There story is told in both their voices , but mostly Joanna's. It details their many projects , setbacks, and problems. This was both interesting to learn about their early married years , and also inspiring   in ways they managed their personal and work lives in the businesses they pursued. This is  well written and show cases how they appreciate their hometown and the simple values of family and their ethic of hard work.