Thursday, August 6, 2015

Book Review- The Siege Winter

   The Siege Winter , Franklin  , Ariana ( William Morrow, 2015)

    The story of England In the 1140's. Emma , a  very young girl,  is abused by a roaming gang of mercenaries.  Gwil finds her  barely alive and will not leave her to die.

 Together , the two make an odd pair.  Emma dressing as a boy, she learns how to hunt and shoot. She becomes expert at the bow.Gwil becomes aware that the gang ( specifically the monk) who abused her, and is searching for her. Emma had a valued possession she grabbed from him as he was abusing her.

  The two end up at Maud's castle and help her army to protect the siege against Maud's caste.
This is a historical mystery that has many twists  to keep you engaged and interested.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

What does your library lend?

   While traditionally libraries loan books, cd,s DVDs. and audio books, many libraries offer more non- traditional items to their patrons.   Our library has offered ( in the springtime)  fishing poles and tackle boxes for young people under the age of 16. ( In NY, children under 16 do not need a license)

  Many other libraries  offer: telescopes, microscopes, spinning wheels, seeds, and ebook readers.
In the past I have lived in places where they also loaned art works.

 Is there any thing special that your library  allows to be borrowed??( tools, artifacts, toys, ?)
Comment here! Please leave some ideas below to we can share what other public libraries have to offer!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Babies Need Words

   The Assocation for library Services for Children ( ALSC) has launched  a new campign called Babies Need Words Everyday.  The Campaign kicks off with free resources that offer parents and caregivers fun ways to help improve their  child's language and learning.

    The resources can be customized and printed out. There are posters, booklets, and a media kid which can be printed. There are  also talking points for librarians, and letter templates for letters to the editor and potential community partnerships. Display them in your library, at your children's programs, and in local businesses  and in other public community places.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Victory for School Students & their libraries

   In early July, the Reed- Cochran Amendment was passed by the US Senate.  The Reed - Cochran  Amendment will help save and expand school libraries in every state  in the US.  It will authorize school  districts  to use ESSA  ( Elementary & Secondary Ed. Act)  funds to develop and maintain effective school library programs  with certified librarians at the core of the program.

 The amendment has the backing of the Senate's Health , Education, Labor & Pensions committee.
 The senate voted 98-0 in favor of this bill.

   This win is important , but the work is not over yet. The bill has to be discussed on the Senate floor , then a senate vote and then it goes to  the house.  Then a conference committee will be appointed to resolve disagreements to arrive at a bill that all is in favor of.  Go Libraries!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Book Review- To Kill a MockingBird

Written in the mid 1950's Go Set a Watchhman is the sequel to to Kill a Mockingbird.    In this novel by Harper Lee, Scout is 26 and returning to Maycombe, Alabama .   She goes back yearly for her 2 week vacation from her job in New York city.

  Jean Louise ( Scout ) returns to find her Father Atticus, and her boy friend Hank (  the boy who  Atticus  took under his wing) , and the town in a bit of  political turmoil.   The negro/ white situation is tense 

  Hank wants to marry Jean Louise, she keeps putting him off. Jean louise  loves Hank but can't see herself living in Maycombe.  Memories  of her childhood ( which are taken from  To Kill A Mockingbird)  keep flooding back. 

  This is a moving story about Scout's journey  into adulthood. The writing is not as polished  as Harper's famous book.Sometimes the transitions  from past to present are not always  easy to discern.  It was hard at times to keep track of where Scout was in time.

  The characters are well developed . The setting helps show the tensions and how the people lived in Maycombe.  

 So this is a story of Scout,  the people who love her, and her hometown.  Without To Kill A Mockingbird this story would   not really make sense.  

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Professional Development- the easy way

   You can do some professional development and learn a new skill without a lot of traveling by using  This is an online  subscription  that teachers  librarians  through high quality instructional videos taught  by leaders in the library industry .
   There are more than 1,400   training video   in a broad range of subjects : business skills, web design,  and development. You can watch an enitire course or a single tutorial  .Watch as you need  and at your own pace.

  Our system  provides  us access to  this service and I am looking  forward to doing some of my required 3 workshops this year.

Friday, July 17, 2015

E Books For Teens- Summer Reading

Overdrive , which is our suppliers of e books on our library website, is teaming up wiht SYNC to offer two Ya aduio books each week that readers can keep. They will offer a current Ya titles and a classic or a required reading summer title.

  When you sign up for a email or text alert you can be the first to know when the  titles are available to download.

  This year some of the classics are: Great expectations, Dracula, Adventures of Huckleberry Fin , and Around the World in 80 days.  The selections are designed to pair with school  and library reading programs but all ages are sure to love them as well. A toolkit  with posters to promote the program is available on the SYNC website.