Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Librarian as Program Administrator and Advocate

   The Librarian is the developer of many   library programs. We need to highlight the value of the Library and also promote the important role of the librarian as a member of the instructional staff.  We can present students at meetings (PTA, Board, Staff Dev) . We can conduct reading challenges. ( I use Accelerated Reading challenge)
   I also promote programs, services, and books in my monthly newsletter.  I actually do a twice a month brief newsletter and I also send occasional emails targeted to specific departments. I take photos to show case what is happening in the library and what the students are doing.  The other way I promote my library and programs is my monthly report to administration. 

   The other simple thing that we do is to make signs for programs to be up all around the school. And we use the morning / afternoon announcements to promote the library and its programs.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Book Talks

    Librarians use book talks to encourage reading and to showcase new or great books. There are many  different  ways to accomplish book talks. If you have scheduled classes , then you can do  book talks on a regular basis.
     If you have a flex schedule  then you will need to devise ways to share your collection, Go into ELA classes or Social Studies classes with a tote bag of books.Give book talks during lunch time if your library is open and students have 'free time"

    Book talks could also be produced into blog posts, pod castes, short videos, or other ' digital " ways. This way the promotion would be on your library webpage or the schools webpage,

    Another idea to promote reading is a 'read around' whereby staff members present their favorite books . Students would hear many different titles this way.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Librarian as Information Specialist

  The librarian's second most important job is that of Information Specialist. As librarians , we develop our collections according to our curriculum  and teacher/ student needs.  The second part of being an information specialist is identifying and sharing resources that will support teacher created  lessons and project based learning  activities.

  So as librarians we learn our schools curriculum and our teachers lessons , and we build out collections based on these  specifications.  I am constantly speaking with teachers regarding their lessons, and if they need support material to be had in their classrooms. I build project pathfinders ( series of internet sites based on lessons/ information needed  ) that are placed on the library web page. Each time a class does a project, appropriate databases are reviewed

  As librarians, we look for print , streaming videos, databases, reliable websites, and eBooks for students and staff. The addition of electronic resources add to our roles of  information specialist. Resources of online databases and eBooks provide with further information. Instruction on how to access and use goes back to our primary role of teacher..

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

How to use your Weekly/ Daily Master List

  Do you keep a weekly  or daily master list of to do items / jobs for you library work life? Do you prioritize your tasks? This is the first step in being organized ad getting items accomplished.   Once your list is in place ( I do a daily - either in the morning or right before I leave school)  

  Then I prioritize  each item. Elimination of items that are not worth the time are  the ones I struggle with . I use a D to delegate the tasks I can give to my assistant - depending on the task - some times I can get some students to help.

  My most important items I mark with an A- ( must do as soon as possible)  and B ( ( should do but no serious consequences if ti doesn't get done right away.) 

 If you do this on a regular basis , you can begin to gt ta flow of tasks competed in the most efficient manner, Determine what is most important   and do the items  that are on your list first

Thursday, November 30, 2017


   Commonlit.org is an online library of free literature and Informational texts. Teachers can quickly locate a passage that fits with a lesson for students can read and answer comprehension questions. This can follow with discussion in small or large groups.
      Teachers can select by grade level, genre, literacy device or theme. These are mostly short pieces which comes from classic works, writing that has been  in other publications, and short works that have been donated by authors; Each text has a summary about the author and the piece. There are text dependent questions and also a readability factor to adjust font size.
    Also available are related media, audio and video clips which go along with the text. There are parent guides. For teachers there is the option to create classes and track learners. It seems that this site is full of interesting items that I feel it might be very helpful for teachers.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Using Elink

 I am using Elink for my project pathfinders. I had used Livebinders to do this previously but am at my limit for my free subscription. So I needed to find another way to curate a series of web links for students to put on the library page.
 Elink is a visual collection of web links, I find it very useful when students are researching topics for their projects.  If I know the topics the teachers are having students do investigation’s on , then I will be able to find relevant & accurate  links for them to pull from.
  Students can use the websites in the elink pathfinder  and they will have a quick easy way to find accurate information quickly.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Reading for Pleasure ( article)

  Jeffrey Wihelm recently wrote an article abut reading for pleasure and its benefits. https://www.edutopia.org/article/benefits-reading-pleasure
The first question he brings up (which I think is key) is: promoting reading is a civil rights issue. He gives data that reading for pleasure helps youth in both social mobility and cognitive progress.
He encourages all staff regardless of subject area to promote reading for pleasure. In reading for pleasure the student is engaged and immersed in the book. 
The article also gives some examples of how to share and promote reading in a school setting.