What else does an Administrator want from a librarian? How does the librarian effect the whole school? By collaborating with faculty and students , the librarian can help establish new ways to provide student learning and excellence.
A library media specialist is collaborator who works with students and teachers. For the best results in educating students ( and also increase/maintain test scores), librarians work with teacher in planing, instructing, and evaluating learning.
In collaborating with teachers, librarians integrate information skills and literacy skills into classroom learning. This is by far the most efficient way for students to learn them. With time and consistency , the students will see connections to using library resources and find out how helpful these skills are to learning and finding out new facts and ideas.
Being a collaborative partner with the staff helps both the teacher and the student. The librarian is the extra pair of hands , eyes, and ears. The teacher is not working alone. Whether lessons are done in whole groups or divided up in smaller groups, students have more individualized learning . Problems and questions are more likely to be caught and corrected. Attention given to students will be more concentrated .
A collaborative lesson is designed by both teacher and librarian provides more opportunity for successful learning and achievement .
A library media specialist is collaborator who works with students and teachers. For the best results in educating students ( and also increase/maintain test scores), librarians work with teacher in planing, instructing, and evaluating learning.
In collaborating with teachers, librarians integrate information skills and literacy skills into classroom learning. This is by far the most efficient way for students to learn them. With time and consistency , the students will see connections to using library resources and find out how helpful these skills are to learning and finding out new facts and ideas.
Being a collaborative partner with the staff helps both the teacher and the student. The librarian is the extra pair of hands , eyes, and ears. The teacher is not working alone. Whether lessons are done in whole groups or divided up in smaller groups, students have more individualized learning . Problems and questions are more likely to be caught and corrected. Attention given to students will be more concentrated .
A collaborative lesson is designed by both teacher and librarian provides more opportunity for successful learning and achievement .