If you have a school library website ( hopefully linked to your school's website) there are a couple of items you should have . First of all , figure out the purpose of your site/ What are you trying to do by having the site? When you have figured that out it will help you determine what you want to put up on the site
To get started here is a list of what is on most school library sites:
1) With the focus on teaching and learning, there could be a blog or wiki with student ideas and comments about books and what they are learning ( both in the library and at their classes). There could also be slide shows, or pod casts that showcase student learning and reading.
Anything thing like promotes student participation, especially blogs or Wiki's . Students love to contribute their thoughts and ideas,
2) To drive more students and parents to your library site, you could also post current student projects . This will have many students looking at your site to see what they or their friends have posted,
3) Resources for your audience!! Most important!! you should have your catalog ( goes without saying) Then your best data bases, and links to most used sites that have the most reliable information . You may also want some links to best sellers, new books, and reviews by students to help students find out new books to read,
4) Resources for teachers! websites and databases, services your library provides. if you are having workshops or staff development you could also put an invite here. How about great Web2.0 tools that teachers could use and an offer to help?
5) Photos , or slide shows of what is going on in your library. Pictures of special evetns, reading programs, and other activities that go on in the library.