Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Public Library Blog- librarianbyday.net

   Bobbi Newman at Librarianbyday.net  is a public librarian  who has been blogging since 1999.   As an ALA Councilor-At Large, and also on several advisory boards she is a busy lady.  She has designed some interesting projects which you can read about on her blog. Two that I can't wait to delve into: This is what a librarian looks like, and Library Day In the life.

   On her site you will find a variety of posts on issues for public librarians. There are many categories: Best Practices, Books- Read this, Customer  Service, & digital literacy( just to name a few). They are interesting and provide a lot of food for thought and change for you and your library.

  I plan to really dive right in here and get a lot of insight for my new position as library branch manager. There are posts on training for managers and  a youtube segment that I think looks really helpful.

   Does any one have any favorite blogs- whether you are a school or public librarian?  I just think they are so helpful!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Organizing work spaces in your library

     In my new position as library branch manager , I have many  places to organize, update, and streamline.  My desk was on of my priorities and yesterday  I think I have it the way I want it.( For now anyway)
   My husband brought in a side lamp  to improve the lighting. The main light is in the a very high ceiling(  the library is in a 1915 brick bank. I needed a bit more light especially since it is getting dark much earlier.

    We moved the file sorter with files( More on that later) to a side cabinet which also has some of my organizing notebooks ( see organizing your office- part 5, 4/26/13 )  ).  Since we did that I turned my hard drive on its side and moved the monitor and keyboard to the middle.( it was on one side )
   So when I am not using the computer, I have a wider spread of desk, and I can spread out to work if need be.  Previously I was going out to one of the library tables which was okay, But when y6ou are trying to get a project done , if you are in your office with doors closed there is much less interruptions.

   For more information  on organizing the main tasks of the library, order my eBook The Organized Librarian.,   See the tab on top of thge page "Books To Order"


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Public Libraries -Heart of the Community

     Public libraries serve the community by bringing people and information together. As so many people in the US are facing job loss, the public library is becoming the place to seek assistance and obtain new skills .  Most of the our public libraries are also now technology hubs. Many patrons still rely on the public libraries for their internet still service.

    Many times the public library is a source of information in helping people with serious needs, loss of housing or public assistance. Library's can be a contact point to community agencies for people in need.

  Public libraries are equalizers. They are a place where people of all ages and backgrounds can freely use a variety of resources and receive guidance of librarians who are information specialists.

    When the economy is down, as it is presently, public library use is increased.  Patrons use the library to gain information, borrow movie and music cd's and dvd's , borrow rather than purchase books, learn new technology skills, and  participate in free programs.   What impact the public library has is always dependent on funding. Librarians with adequate funds can provide more resources for patrons in need.,

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Promotion of Public Libraries

         The key to promote and change the image of the public library and marketing its services is to change the standard library vocabulary to something more catching , attractive and useful to patrons.

        How do we do that? Can prek story time become a class or workshop?  ( Parents and guardians will see the benefits of something more educational and informational)  Any program can be called a class , workshop, or seminar.

       Circulation  procedures can be called customer serve. The librarian will have the job of being the program developer,  library manager, instructor,  team leader or research specialist.   As librarians we need to adapt our library specific works that do  not really connect to our patrons.  We can replace many  terms to show more educational and community goals. We want to show a more educational , community focus that patrons will be able to view as necessary  and beneficial. 

       Use terms that draw patrons in  to the library to use the resources  and programs.   Think  of vocabulary that includes more community and educational  focus instead of  older terms will help the community have a new view of the library.

       Begin today to think of and use new vocabulary to advertise, promote and  describe your library  and the programs you provide to the patrons.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Promotion of Public Libraries

   How can public libraries become more than just recreation reading and viewing?  The key answer  is education.
  Education is at the core of the 21st century.   As we closely align pubic libraries with education , we can  bring  many benefits to our users and the libraries.
  As libraries , whether school or public we need to improve services, enhance out image and be supportive to students and patrons.
  We  need to be aware  of members of society and provide means for children and adults to succeed personally and financially. We need to become essential to all.
   The way to become essential to all is tor provide education support  that cannot be cut.   One step is to  provide directed education( books, materials, DVD's, electronic journals_ anything people can use on their own.
  The second part is providing assistance and instruction. This can be done individual or in small groups. Courses will be for all ages.  Think story hour, summer reading, classes in on line resources.
  The third part is having instructive and enlightening experience . Thank author visits, book discussions, poetry slams, craft days, and workshops for adults./( bread making, writers groups, knitting groups, chess / game days).
   Libraries should be educational and bring people of all ages in the community together.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Why we need Librarians and Libraries

    Libraries( school, academic, and public) are a place for education, self help, ad pleasure. Libraries bring access to all, depending on who they serve.
     Americans check out almost 2 Billion items every year. What do they check out? We  go to libraries to get books,  to borrow DVD's, and other items ( Kindles, nooks, laptops). We also go to the library to learn new computer and technology skills , and to learn more about job skills and job searches.

   The librarian at whatever library  you choose can guide  you to find the one answer you need. With a web search, you may find many answers  with more time invested. As time goes one, more services will in in greater demand at all libraries.

     Libraries are the solution in this poor economy. Free access to books and materials, online resources for individuals, resources for businesses and encouraging life long learning are part of the libraries goals and mission. As more and more Americans look for jobs, libraries are helping to level the playing fields for many job seekers.
    Public libraries support job seeker with databases and classes. School libraries  support students with information and Web 2.0 skills. Whenever the the economy is poor, Library  use is up.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Routines at the Public Library!

  In my new position as library branch manager, I have  three floors of an old bank building that is my library.  The top floor has been redone ( it used to be used by Masons). It is beautiful ! They restored almost most everything to the original  condition. It is still a work in progress.
  Any way I am developing ( with the help of Library Director) library routines that help us  begin each morning and close each night. With three floors there is a lot to cover!
   One of the most important items  heat and light. I am establishing a check list with the staff so that all items will completed at the beginning and closing of each day.   I think I will do a three column page with items that can be checked off  or noted when done. Does any one else have opening and closing procedures? Would you share?   
  I am sure there are many public library's that are bigger than mine , so please share what you do!!