Friday, June 26, 2015

Why Digital literacy Is Important

  Digital literacy means the ability to locate, evaluate , and use digital information. The ability to recognize what information is needed and when to use it are also important components of digital literacy.   Using a wide range of technologies effectively is also important to the adult community( computer, mobile devices, blogs, twitter, facebook , youtube).
    Without access to the internet , adults can't develop digital literacy. Without digital literacy, patrons will not gain maximum benefit from online resources. Being digital literate will also help adults and seniors procure a job in today's job market.
    Training provided by the public libraries to adult patrons is an important service.  Offering a variety of technology training is key .
   Some public libraries have informal assistance , one on one sessions, formal tech training classes and online training materials. This training help adults  to  have skills to join or rejoin the workforce. Some libraries also provide  access to job databases and job opportunity resources,  There may also be provision for civil service materials.
  Many libraries offer other resources to help them with resumes and interviews. Additionally librarians may have staff to help patrons complete online job applications.
   In providing Digital literacy services and classes , the public library help create a skilled and knowledgeable workforce able to meet the technology of the 21st century.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Professional development- online learning!

  If you are looking for learning opportunities for you and your staff there are several places to look for quality  staff development.  One of theses is WebJunction . Webjunction offers  free webinars to library staff. There are many training opportunities which are complied and shares by the Wyoming State Library. Check it out each month on the WebJunction  site page and see what they have!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Banned Books Week 2015

    The Banned Books Week National Committee has announced that  September 27- Oct 3, 2016  will be Banned Books Week.  This year the focus is on  YA literature. They have released the  ten most challenged books of 2014 and most of them were for teens.
    You can read more and check out the list at the School Library Journal Website!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Book groups for libraries and beyond

     Think outside the box for your next book group!  Yes the Adult book discussion  group is a standard fir many public libraries.    Our book group for our library  originally was in the library. Now our new adult programmer librarian is branching out to other venues.
     For the past several months the  group meets a the local brewery - she calls it Pints & Pages.  The group shares an appetizer , and discuss the monthly novel.  This is an evening session and it works out very well.

   In July , the group will meets at a local coffee / eatery on the back deck/  Having a book group in a public venue provides more exposure. Patrons frequenting those places will notice the groups and perhaps be inspired to check out the group or go to the library so see what else is going on there

  So now we want to think of some more venues for our future books groups.  Can any of you share your innovative places  for book groups?  Let's share some ideas!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Book Review- Divergent

  Divergent by V . Roth ( Katherine Tegen Books, 2013)

      Beatrice has a choice, actually many choices  of factions  to belong to after her schooling. She chooses one faction she knows will be exciting and challenging, but she does it on a whim and she is not sure why she has chosen it. But did she  make the wrong choice?

     Tris ( as she decides is her new name) has new friends. There are some in her group who are not sure and aware of her ca[abilities. Tris learns a lot and builds up her body as a member of the Dauntless group.

  As a final acceptance into the group, Tris learns the truth about the factions and her leaders. She must help her old factions and the others to  avoid being controlled by a few.  This YA book is intense Science Fiction story.( Similar to the Hunger Games) Now I want to read the second novel   to see what happens next.
  If you liked the Hunger Games  , this intense novel is for you.  Roth is an exceptional author bring characters and events to life.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Organization of Library Materials

     Normally books and materials in libraries are organized on the shelves by collection and classification. You may also have a Reference section and a periodical/magazine section.  Sections For audio visuals, listening kits, and cd's may depend  on the amounts  in each category. You may have then placed together or you may have each in its own collection and area.

     If you have books in demand- lets say you are doing a special  program ( Caldecott Challenge, Battle of the books, specialized classroom reference project, display or theme) you may want to pull out the books and isolate them from the regular collection. Place those books and resources in an easily accessible location for ease of use for both student, patron, and staff use.

   Shelving is done every day.  checking shelves of relocated items is also recommended,again depending on the length of the special program or theme.  Why is this important?

   It is important that patrons, students, or staff will be able to trace items form the catalog to the shelf.  To be able to find books / information quickly  is the the usual trade mark of a good library system

Thursday, May 28, 2015

June ideas for Library Bulletin Boards

  It's almost June- where did the year go? Some ideas for you for your June Bulletin Boards::  It's the end of the year so get ready for lots to do!

  Summer Read- Feature covers of student favorites . Use names and say" Jeanne recommends"

  Get Carried away with Books- Balloons or hot air balloons. If you want - add titles to balloons.

   Hot Days- Cool Books- summer scene-  reading on the beach

  Photos of students  reading their favorite books in their favorite places.

  Dive Deep  Into Reading- under the ocean, fish, sharks, water plants.

Special Days:
Fathers Day
Flag Day