Tuesday, March 20, 2018

April Bulletin Boards

It 's time again to start thinking about April!   I like to always think ahead! Some ideas for your bulletin boards! Adapt them to your needs and space!

     I've got a poem in my pocket!-- pockets with poems typed stuck in- these can be changed  weekly. Or let  students put in their  favorite poems.

     Get Graphic@ the Library!  Scan covers of some of your Graphic Novels and put on a colorful Bulletin Board.

      Get Hooked on  Books!- Fishing line with book titles or covers along the line.
( Fishing for a good Book)

     Spring into Reading with Great Books

      Sports Stories

      It's Raining Books- Put an umbrella in the corner of the bulletin board. Then place large blue and grey raindrops with book titles on them.( Again let students put up their favorites.

     April showers bring great books! ( Similar to above idea)

National Humor Month
School Library Month
DEAR- Drop Everything and Read

Thursday, March 15, 2018

How The Organized Librarian originated

   How did I begin thinking of and writing about The Organized Librarian?  I started as I briefly outlined ib my book (The Organized Librarian) When I was several years into my job as an elementary librarian at the elementary level. AT the time I was” dancing as fast as I could” and very frustrating. I had 700 students, a large library, and a huge collection. My help (library assistants) was came and went for each change of period. Sometimes I had no help, and the library schedule was just overwhelming!

  So I took a deep breath and began to organize my work spaces.  I started with my back room because that was the worst!  Then I did my circulation area. Finally I worked on organizing my curriculum / lessons.  And I began writing every down, and keeping track of what I was doing, and what I needed to do. When that was finished, I wrote the book and compiled all that I had done. After that I started my blog.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Take the lead Librarians!

   Warren Drake (recipient of the 2017 AASL Distinguished School Administrator Award) wrote a very insightful and encouraging article recognizing the need for librarians and updated library spaces.
    He believes that in the future, students education will need then to be constructing and owning (taking responsibility) of their learning. Students will impart their knowledge, which will be gathered from library sources to create projects and include PBL( Project based learning)  Students connect to the world with resources provided by school libraries.
  According to Mr. Drake (Superintendent of East Baton Rouge Parish ( LA) schools ) , the library is the schools largest classroom. Librarians have a unique position because they interact with each student. He sees librarians as instructional partners with teachers and staff, helping them transform and strengthen education and instruction.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Snow days and no Electric!

 Well, its been crazy here- Nor'easter on Friday  so no power until Monday,Many of my colleagues are still without power! So needless to say - could not post .  Just trying to stay warm. Then yesterday we were hit with another storm that also threatened  our wires - we did not lose power - just a few flickers. So I will try and get back into the groove!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Daily Routine at the Library

    Take a few minutes each day ( or right before you go home) to help you be more organized and get more accomplished each day. Look at your master list of to do's  and your daily planner or plan book. 
    Write in /Schedule the tasks  you plan to accomplish. Tackle the harder / most unpleasant/ most pressing items first on your schedule.  This is when  your brain is most likely the sharpest and your have a strong desire to get tasks done.
     Schedule less pressing items or routines items throughout the day.  Another good time to get items accomplished is right after lunch. After you have a break, eaten your lunch away from your desk, you are Likely to be able to refocus to complete what is in your plan book. 

   Check your planner / to do list throughout the day. Cross or check off items as they are completed . It will be encouraging to cross off items and see at the end of the day what has been done to further your goals at work.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Larger Goals / projects to be completed

   When you are doing all the routine tasks and activities you may feel like you are treading water. When you have a big project, it might seem like you will never get it accomplished.
   Plan a time when you have some flexibility, and put in your planner that you will work on that project. What I do is to break larger projects down into manageable steps/ tasks. In other words, plan on working on a segment of the project at least once each week (more if you have open blocks of time).  Make yourself a deadline of when you need the project complete.  Look at the ways you can accomplish it through a series of steps or tasks.

  Check off each segment as you complete it each week. Work diligently until your project is complete.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Learn around the world- Virtual Field trip

     Learn around the world provides virtual field trips based on Geography and Science. They take classes around the world. Classes can visit space stations, underwater labs, and foreign countries. Many of the programs are interactive. They offer both paid ad free trips.
    Geoshow is geography based, interactive and free. Do a Geoquiz( like Kahoot) and participate with other classrooms  around the wor4ld.  The spring line up is on the site for what they are offering.
    Virtual field trips are 45-60 minutes long. The staff travels to locations around the world to showcase people, and places.

     When you sign in and register , the sites also gives an introduction,  standards , and lessons to go along with the VFT. There are also teacher resources linked to each field trip – note taking sheets (for an additional small fee and other items to go along with the VFT