Written in the mid 1950's Go Set a Watchhman is the sequel to to Kill a Mockingbird. In this novel by Harper Lee, Scout is 26 and returning to Maycombe, Alabama . She goes back yearly for her 2 week vacation from her job in New York city.
Jean Louise ( Scout ) returns to find her Father Atticus, and her boy friend Hank ( the boy who Atticus took under his wing) , and the town in a bit of political turmoil. The negro/ white situation is tense
Hank wants to marry Jean Louise, she keeps putting him off. Jean louise loves Hank but can't see herself living in Maycombe. Memories of her childhood ( which are taken from To Kill A Mockingbird) keep flooding back.
This is a moving story about Scout's journey into adulthood. The writing is not as polished as Harper's famous book.Sometimes the transitions from past to present are not always easy to discern. It was hard at times to keep track of where Scout was in time.
The characters are well developed . The setting helps show the tensions and how the people lived in Maycombe.
So this is a story of Scout, the people who love her, and her hometown. Without To Kill A Mockingbird this story would not really make sense.
Jean Louise ( Scout ) returns to find her Father Atticus, and her boy friend Hank ( the boy who Atticus took under his wing) , and the town in a bit of political turmoil. The negro/ white situation is tense
Hank wants to marry Jean Louise, she keeps putting him off. Jean louise loves Hank but can't see herself living in Maycombe. Memories of her childhood ( which are taken from To Kill A Mockingbird) keep flooding back.
This is a moving story about Scout's journey into adulthood. The writing is not as polished as Harper's famous book.Sometimes the transitions from past to present are not always easy to discern. It was hard at times to keep track of where Scout was in time.
The characters are well developed . The setting helps show the tensions and how the people lived in Maycombe.
So this is a story of Scout, the people who love her, and her hometown. Without To Kill A Mockingbird this story would not really make sense.