Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Article for Newsletter- Part 1

This is the first part of the newsletter that I had sent into our PR person last week. They are doing an 'Educational Issues" letter and wanted some input for that issue. I am always happy to do this because it gives information about what we do in the library

Sullivan West Elementary Library – Reading and learning is where it’s at!
For District News letter

At Sullivan West Elementary School, students and staff have access to two libraries for their use. Each library has colorful displays of posters and books to encourage and excite students about books, learning, and reading. The ’39 library is used primarily by students in grades PK-3. Students in grades 4-6 use the ’94 library which is next to the computer room on the first floor.

Classes and Learning
Students in grades PK- 3 have library classes once very six days. (We are on a 6 day A-F cycle). Mrs. Hector, SW library teacher’s assistant, holds K-3 classes and provides students with read a-louds, library extension activities, and book check out.
Mrs. Couture, School Library Media Specialist, works primarily in the 4-6 library. She teaches fourth grade classes with a fixed scheduled. They learn about different genres, arrangement of books, use of print reference tools, on line card catalog, online Databases, and research skills. On a flexible schedule, Mrs. Couture works with the teachers in grades 5 and 6 to integrate library and technology skills based research into ELA, science, and social studies curriculum. Students also check out books, and use the library computers to do word processing and projects.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

School Newsletters-library services

I was asked by our building PR person to write an artilce about library services and whatt we do for the school newsletter. So last night I collected my thoughts to figure out what I should say. I am aiming this article toward parents and taxpapyers so they know what the library program is all about at the elementary level. I included information about the two libraries and also what we do to help and encourage the students to read and learn. Information was also given on our website and our reading incentive programs.
If any one is intersted let me know and I can place the article on here. Any time you are asked to do some publicity for the library, do so . Get the word out about what you do , more students, teachers, and parents will use and value your services.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Organized Librarian- lesson planning

I am in the final stages The Organized Librarian and am going through the editing process. It is amazing to see how much work a librarian is supposed to accomplish, but we do it . We need to focus our work on student reading and learning. This year in my district we are also focusing on student writing so I am trying to incorporate more writing and thinking into my lessons.
This month I am developing a unit on biography for 4th grade and going to try a game so I am thinking about how I can engage students into being more active. I think I will be handing out a series of lists of biography books and then have students develop call numbers for these ( as a table group or groups of two) and then have them work as a table group to put them into Alphabetical order. That's for next week- this week is Atlases- I did one lesson yesterday and then decided to change it just a bit for the next 3 fourth grades. That's what I do- develop and then refine the lessons until I feel they are great for a learning experience with the students.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

File Cabinets

I finally got to my file cabinets and organized just one! It had NOT been in alphabetical order, so it was very difficult to find things quickly. I also went through and got rid of many files and papers that I did not need.
What a difference! Now I can actually find quickly what I need. I will get to the second one tomorrow or the next day. This is a different school from when I wrote the book The Organized Librarian but I am leaving the filing section like it was. I need to get another file cabinet at my present library because my historical and general files are upstairs in the k-3 library and are not easy accessible to me should I need them. Those cabinets also need to be organized but that is for another day,

Monday, January 2, 2012

Battle of the books- January project

Tomorrow - back to school after the Christmas break! I will be concentrating on asking for Battle of the book prizes/ I usually send out letters to various business that have given prizes before:Our local movie theater , a game of miniature golf, a $50 savings bond from the local bank, a day of tubing on the river.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas is coming!

I hope everyone enjoys their holidays! I am having some quiet time before everyone gets up.Today my job is bread baking and a party

Monday, December 19, 2011

Library Book Pass

I got a really nice comment from Stacy over at The LibraryGals. She did the fiction book pass and her students really liked it. Mine do too! I haven't done it in a while- maybe I should think about doing with my fourth grade classes this week- since it will be crazy and the kids will be off the wall.
This article was in the October issue of Library Sparks. I love this magazine- it always has great ideas using excellent books as jumping off points for many activities and lessons.