Showing posts with label library promotion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library promotion. Show all posts

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Why Newsletters for Your Library?

   Why should a school or public library create a newsletter?  Newsletters at both the school and public library serve multiple purposes.

  Mainly they help advertise library services and programs.  For public libraries, newsletters can also post hours of operation and holidays dates  whey they are closed.     A newsletter is a way to promote library activities, new arrivals, and special  programs and exhibits. 

 Newsletters are a highly visible , low risk, low cost  , way to communicate with patrons who use the library. It is also a great way to grab the attention of the marginal user.

  The discussion about starting a newsletter are few. Will it be paper or online ? How frequently do you want your newsletter out? Should it be monthly, weekly, bi weekly? That depends largely on who is writing the newsletter, and the amount  of time that the person or group of persons have.

  Once the determination is made on frequency, then the discussion is to figure out format. What will you include?

   Promoting the libraries resources is just one thing to include.  These can be lists of new titles, or titles in a certain genre( think special sections like mystery, biography, cook book, science fiction, ect) Provide full title , author, and call number  so the patrons can use the newsletter to come to the library to get the desired item.

   Also newsletters can promote new devices ( nooks, kindles, ebooks)  which can be borrowed by the patrons.  Articles of new features to the library is a great way to introduce them to patrons ( Wireless, online card catalog, online databases)

  Discussion of library issues is also common in Newsletters,  Promoting library programs, and events is a great idea- advertise workshops, speakers, and exhibits to bring patrons into the library.

   All in all, the newsletter helps the community and beyond learn about the many opportunities and information  available at the library!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Publicity for Public Library Programs

  When  we are thinking  of publicity for the library and its programs , we need to  be customer ( patron) orientated.  We are selling the library and its programs.

  Our goal is to get the word out about the library in general or on a specific programs.  We need to deliver a clear message about what is new and exciting .

  Our  focus should be on  free ways to promote and inform  the public . 

Some ideas to consider:

1. Establish  favorable press relations with the local media so as to get news of the library and programs out on a regular basis,  ( Think daily, weekly newspapers and publications- shoppers, arts news, , also local radio stations)

2. Represent the library by participating in community groups, planning committees,  and other organizations  to establish the library as a player in community  growth.

3. Develop an identity and image. ( Think Logo,  slogan)   Communicate  library goals  and  mission to the community. Know what you have to offer and continually  be on the look out for ways to  tell / show/  what the library can do for the community!

  This is an important topic, so I will continue to think about library publicity  , learn more, and write more,
  What are your ideas on libraries and publicity? I would love to hear from you!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Promotion of Public Libraries

         The key to promote and change the image of the public library and marketing its services is to change the standard library vocabulary to something more catching , attractive and useful to patrons.

        How do we do that? Can prek story time become a class or workshop?  ( Parents and guardians will see the benefits of something more educational and informational)  Any program can be called a class , workshop, or seminar.

       Circulation  procedures can be called customer serve. The librarian will have the job of being the program developer,  library manager, instructor,  team leader or research specialist.   As librarians we need to adapt our library specific works that do  not really connect to our patrons.  We can replace many  terms to show more educational and community goals. We want to show a more educational , community focus that patrons will be able to view as necessary  and beneficial. 

       Use terms that draw patrons in  to the library to use the resources  and programs.   Think  of vocabulary that includes more community and educational  focus instead of  older terms will help the community have a new view of the library.

       Begin today to think of and use new vocabulary to advertise, promote and  describe your library  and the programs you provide to the patrons.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Promotion of Public Libraries

   How can public libraries become more than just recreation reading and viewing?  The key answer  is education.
  Education is at the core of the 21st century.   As we closely align pubic libraries with education , we can  bring  many benefits to our users and the libraries.
  As libraries , whether school or public we need to improve services, enhance out image and be supportive to students and patrons.
  We  need to be aware  of members of society and provide means for children and adults to succeed personally and financially. We need to become essential to all.
   The way to become essential to all is tor provide education support  that cannot be cut.   One step is to  provide directed education( books, materials, DVD's, electronic journals_ anything people can use on their own.
  The second part is providing assistance and instruction. This can be done individual or in small groups. Courses will be for all ages.  Think story hour, summer reading, classes in on line resources.
  The third part is having instructive and enlightening experience . Thank author visits, book discussions, poetry slams, craft days, and workshops for adults./( bread making, writers groups, knitting groups, chess / game days).
   Libraries should be educational and bring people of all ages in the community together.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tech Tools - Wired Wednesday- one day late

          I am a day late- We spent yesterday finishing our Christmas shopping and also doing some grocery shopping. We got home late - it was a tiring day!
           I found a great site that I have used in preparing my genre studies and  other lessons. . I have adapted some lessons from each one for the grades that I had taught the genres to. For the upper grades I like to highlight a different genre each month  with mini lessons and posters and displays.   I also encourage students to write down the genre on their  reading book list as they also have to do this for their teachers so why not keep track of ALL their reading.
          One of the best sites for almost any subject area and grade level is READWRITETHINK . This site is amazing when you take some time to look at all it has to offer.  There are classroom resources , lesson plans, interactive  tasks ,  activities based on the month, and printouts available. 
          There are professional development links to a great many tips and hints, and articles on teaching the different topics.  There are also  parent and after school resources.
    When you share this with your staff, they will treat like a rock start because they will LOVE it!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What Administrators want from their Librarians

      For those of you who have been school librarians for a while can attest that our jobs and responsibilities  have changed quite a bit over the years.   When I first started ,  the emphasis was only on print resources . At the time , that was all there was.
      But over the years, the profession and the collections have changed.  Now we are the keepers and teachers of technology. We are called to help teachers integrate technology into their curriculum.  We need to teach students to use the online card catalog , and data bases. We need to update and teach students and teachers on Web 2.0 tools and integrate these into the curriculum and the common core standards.
    Yes- now we are technology integrators! So we need to keep up to date on the latest  technology- e-books,  book apps, date bases, web 2.0 tools and more.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What Administrators want from their Librarian- Part 4

      What do administrators expect from their Librarians?  Many administrators do not have a clear idea of what to expect but as librarians and leaders we need to promote ourselves and our programs, and how we can assist students in becoming better learners. One way to do all of these items is to become part of our school s professional development team.  When we do that we can teach the staff about all of our resources.
      So what do we teach?  Just a few examples : How to use our website , how to use the online card catalog, how to find resources, how to integrate library materials into the current curriculum, how to use the data bases  for school state wide support ( In NY we have Vtial New York, along with several others- Engage NY , and CommonCoreCurriculum. )
     When do we teach ? In the summer, at the beginning of the school year where there are various meetings, during conference days,  hold  mini workshops before and after school, during teacher prep.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

What Administrators want from their Librarian

      As librarians  we are leaders in our schools. Although we are leading from the middle, we need to be active in many aspects of the school community.  Many administrators do no see us as leaders but we need to start being more involved with student learning. With the emphasis on the Common Core, this is the perfect time for us to stand up and begin  to show our presence and importance . Get active on the school committees  and building initiatives.   Think of this and let me know what you do to be a visable force in your school.
      Discussion on this thread to be continued on Tuesday.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

What we need for our students - Part 1 & 2

 How do you use Blogs or Wiki's in your school and in your library?  How do you and your teachers  use these tools to get students more engaged and interested in learning?  Blogging , I think , is more appropriate for students in the younger grades because  the teacher/ librarian is in control  and has to  approve the comments. This works very well for book discussions, comments and questions about specific events in history,  student writing in response to a prompt / book/ poem.   Please share any ways that you and your staff use blogs with your students.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Article for Newsletter- Part 1

This is the first part of the newsletter that I had sent into our PR person last week. They are doing an 'Educational Issues" letter and wanted some input for that issue. I am always happy to do this because it gives information about what we do in the library

Sullivan West Elementary Library – Reading and learning is where it’s at!
For District News letter

At Sullivan West Elementary School, students and staff have access to two libraries for their use. Each library has colorful displays of posters and books to encourage and excite students about books, learning, and reading. The ’39 library is used primarily by students in grades PK-3. Students in grades 4-6 use the ’94 library which is next to the computer room on the first floor.

Classes and Learning
Students in grades PK- 3 have library classes once very six days. (We are on a 6 day A-F cycle). Mrs. Hector, SW library teacher’s assistant, holds K-3 classes and provides students with read a-louds, library extension activities, and book check out.
Mrs. Couture, School Library Media Specialist, works primarily in the 4-6 library. She teaches fourth grade classes with a fixed scheduled. They learn about different genres, arrangement of books, use of print reference tools, on line card catalog, online Databases, and research skills. On a flexible schedule, Mrs. Couture works with the teachers in grades 5 and 6 to integrate library and technology skills based research into ELA, science, and social studies curriculum. Students also check out books, and use the library computers to do word processing and projects.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

School Newsletters-library services

I was asked by our building PR person to write an artilce about library services and whatt we do for the school newsletter. So last night I collected my thoughts to figure out what I should say. I am aiming this article toward parents and taxpapyers so they know what the library program is all about at the elementary level. I included information about the two libraries and also what we do to help and encourage the students to read and learn. Information was also given on our website and our reading incentive programs.
If any one is intersted let me know and I can place the article on here. Any time you are asked to do some publicity for the library, do so . Get the word out about what you do , more students, teachers, and parents will use and value your services.