Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Top 5 Library Blogs of 2013

  2013 has been a good year  for The Organized Librarian. I had time early in the year to really develop some great ideas for school and public libraries.  Now that I am a branch library manager, I am using my searching time to unearth great articles and sites to help me move into the public sector of librarianship. I hope they have helped you also. 

1. Why should Librarians Teach Technology?

2. What Should Libraries Look Like Today?

3. Mystery Websites for October

4.Organizing Workspaces at your Library

5. Routines at the Public Library


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Holidays!

 I would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday and  a Merry Christmas.! Enjoy your time off and your family and friends!
   I will be back posting after a short break- Probably at the start of the New Year!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Value of lists! ( Master Lists )

       I find that Master lists ( of to do's ) and Daily lists help me greatly in getting  task and activities done on a daily and weekly basis.    I try to keep my lists in sight as I go about my daily routines , whether I am at work or at home.

      The reason I do this is because it really helps me stay organized and focused on what I need to do.  I also use my lists  and prioritize   the tasks on them.   I use a simple  way to tag the activities I must do.

      When  I put lists on paper ( or on the computer- but I feel paper is better for me , because then I can SEE the list) I will delegate a letter- A most important,  B  and C. That's where I stop( as far as letters go)

     Another idea that I like to do with my Master list is to make two columns : one for most important things I NEED to do, and a second column of things I WANT to do.   I also place due dates on items that have a complete by date so I know when I must be done.

    Also on my Master lists I will put do by dates if I have them. This way I can focus on what is most important.
     Check out my book The Organized Librarian- click on the link above for ordering instructions.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Internet Resources for Readers Advisories- Ficiotn_L

     There are many Internet  resources for Readers Advisories. As I discover them I will pass along the ones I find are best for both school and public libraries.   Many of the Internet resources are really amazing with the amount of information that they contain.

   FictionL  is found on the Morton Grove Public Library ( Illinois) site.   This is an electronic  mailing list where librarians can ask and answer questions relating to providing readers advisories to patrons.,  It is intended for use by librarians and leaders of book discussions, but anyone can subscribe to it if they want.

   There are many topics that is contained with this link: book discussions, book talks, issues on collection development , book lists, and bibliographies. n   There are many topics discussed here . Some additional items  are audio books, reading clubs, and print and electronic resources.

  Once you get on here , you will find  this a valuable tool. Especially if you have a question about a title, give them a clue and they will come up the title that you are looking for  it with an obscure  item from the book.

  There is an archive   of all Ficiotn_L postings back to the beginning. There is a search form enabling librarians and patrons to search  a topic of interest .   There are book lists  made available for use by librarians and patrons.   You can find lists of : genres, character, setting, subject, author, audience,  and miscellaneous.    I am looking forward to using this my self and also letting my clerks and patrons know how easy it is to use.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

New York Public Library- blog for librarians

    I n looking for blogs for public and school librarians , I happened across  The New York Pubic library's website   http://www.nypl.org, which has a link to quite a few blogs that are done by staff.  Why In have never been on their website is now a wonder to me!  There is so much there to see and explore. I am going to go back and explore some more because I think there is a lot  of information that I can use in my new position as library manager:  book lists,  reviews
   When you get to the site, look at the tabs on the top and click on Explore.  That will give you a drop down box and there you will find the link for the blogs.   You can select posts of channel or subject . Now these have a variety of topics, some will highlight up and coming programs. Many of these programs are past, but you will see what they  had and it may help give you some ideas for your library and your programs.
  The blogs  that are listed are very interesting and helpful, and provide a variety of topics that are educational for both librarians and patrons. The blogs cover a range of topics and are written by experts in their fields ,of which most are employed by the New York Public library.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Readers Advisory- Indirect

   In the last couple of posts, I have talked about Readers Advisory's.  But we can also indirectly advise and advance students and patrons reading .Some patrons and students might actually prefer this indirect way to direct conversations.

    Here are some simple indirect readers advisories;

1. Displays of certain genres- with a slogan "Looking for a Good Book?"

2. Reading Guides( If you liked_____(an author or genre) then try these!) the student or patron can pick it up on their own ad read it with out speaking or asking a librarian or reader's advisor.

3. Annotated Book lists- again the patron can read brief blurbs about books. Our library provides a monthly list of new titles this way.

4. Book Marks- This is another indirect way to show books in a specific genre,

5. Staff recommendations. Display or list what the library staff is currently reading .This makes it way for staff and patrons.

  Where should we have these displays or lists? How about near the entrance of the library , in high traffic areas, at the end of stacks , or other areas where people congregate or meet. This is where patrons and students will see the displays and are more likely to catch a quick book to read. These books on display usually circulate quickly.

 So if you are new to readers advisory, this may be the way to start!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Highly Organized Librarian- Getting Large Projects done!

    One way to become a highly organized librarians is to begin with the end in mind.  Whenever you have a  large project to do which requires a good deal of work , time  and effort  it might be a  good idea to use this technique.

    Start with a clear understanding of what the outcome of the project will be. Think about the inventory done, the book list completed, the  movement of books and shelving,  the final paper or grant project will be.    Then determine how you will get there.

    What is the best way to get the project completed? What steps do you need to take to  accomplish the project.  Think it through.  Then write down the steps you will take..  After writing down the steps , organize the steps in the most logical order.    Make a plan.    Determine what steps you will do and what dates you will do them. Write them in your plan or calendar book.   Figure out what resources or materials you will need to get the project done. Write them into your plan.

   This is system that requires thinking and planning before the actually doing .  Mentally you are preparing the project before you begin the actual work. In this way, if you write down the steps, you have a schedule of the steps and what to do when.  The thinking and list gives you focus on the projects and keeps you on track.

    I use this system which is briefly outlined in The Organized Librarian  Ebook. For details on how to order see  Books to Order tab.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

David Lee King- blogs for public & school librarians

   Follow David Lee Kings blog at http://www.davidleeking.com.  David Lee King is the Digital Services Director at Topeka Shawnee County Public Library.
    He is in charge of planning, implementing  the latest technology.  He is  a speaker for many conferences both nationally and internationally  about issues  pertinent to both school and public librarians and teachers.   He is up on all the latest social  and ditigal mediahe plans, implements, and experiments with emerging technology trends. He believes they should be used at the public level to advance the librarians services and  encourage more interest.
     David  writes for many library and technology journals. He was named Library Journal Mover and Shaker for 2008.  His latest book is Face2Face which came out in September.
    I am looking forward to learning more  about using technology at the public level  and I think reading this blog will be most helpful.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Reader's Advisory's - How do they work?

     Reader's Advisories work  in many different ways and views.  Most of the time there a conversation focusing on the readers likes and dislikes.  There may be a discussion on reading level, genre, style of writing, and perhaps characters, storylines and setting.

   Hopefully after the discussion, the advisor, can help the patron by suggesting books to be read.  "Readalikes: which focuses on a similar genre or author's style is one great way to proceed when helping patrons.

   The goal is to suggest titles, or authors, based on the patrons individual interests and tastes.  While we may suggest our favorites, we have to keep in mind to hone in on the patrons interests, otherwise we are not being at all helpful.

   You may ask the patron to describe a book they have read and enjoyed. Have them focus on not just the plot so much, but the elements of the book that they found appleaing and interesting.  The advisor draws on on personal knowledge of their collections or by checking the  online catalog. The librarian advisor may also suggest titles that point readers in a new venue or genre.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Office Organizing at my Desk

   I am still organizing in my new office . I think I have gotten it how I would like it.  Now I am making sure that I can find what I need to at the drop of a hat.   This is my side  cabinet and I have used the top to serve as a host for my most used items. 
  On the top I have my 'famous' notebooks which I put out to grab , one is my daily use organizer notebook, a notebook for my budget items, and one for policies and procedures.   I also have an  in box and a to file box.  Next to that are items filed vertically which I use on a daily basis. Two I have marked with items for the director , and items to take care of. I also have my folder with book suggestions.  I have plain file folders and a place for interlibrary envleopes to  send items needed along the way.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Readers Advisory at the Public Library

     Readers Advisory  services can be a great way to get to know patrons and their reading preferences,  Readers Advisory helps us connect to individuals and groups as readers.
    Asking for book suggestions and giving book suggestions is a core task of a librarians daily activities. Many patrons  however do not know they can ask for suggestions for something 'good to read.'
     There are patrons who ask 'What's a good book to read?" .When they do they may get a variety of answers depending whom they ask.
     It is helpful to find  out what kinds of books the patron likes and then lead them to some comparable and  similar authors and series.  This can be done informally by conversation. Some libraries also provide simple surveys to see what patrons like and then work with the survey and patrons to complete the  process.
    Other ways to provide Readers Advisory is though books displays, discussion groups, read alike lists, and posters.   Now we can also include blogs, or pod casts( as part of the library website) and social networking sites. ( twitter, Facebook)
     Readers Advisory is how the library connects to patrons. So if you plan on doing Readers Advisory formally , think about how you will go about it and what kind of form you will use.    I will have other blogs in the weeks to come as I learn more about it and try to figure  out how I will go a bout doing it  ..Will I form a formal program or just informal.  All of these questions I will think about and decide on as I continue learning more about it.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Public Libraries and Customer Service

     School librarians are on a quest to educate students how to use all of the resources in the library, including the newest technology and the latest  materials. While a public library has the same goal, public librarians must also think about customer service. Many patrons do not have the desire or time  for education, they need the information to help them in whatever they are looking for. So we must focus on Customer Service to draw them in and keep them returning.

   How can we help our patrons?   By providing services and showing them the value of our services to them and to the community.
   In the spirit of customer service I am thinking of ways to improve service to my patrons.So this is what I came up with.

   1. What is more important- a perfect library or helping people? - you know the answer to that.

   2.  Should I point a finger to a book or hand a paper with a call number?

   3. Can I walk to the stacks to help find an item?

   4. Can I look up online for a request?

   5. Do I greet each patron with a smile, eye contact or small chit chat?-- Remember we are a part of the community !

  6. Do I return phone calls and answer the phone  courteously and in a timely manor?

  7. Is the activity urgent or important and more important that helping patrons.

  8.  Can I help patrons with copies, computers, book suggestions,  or scanning?

  9. Is the library inviting and does the signage  show where the different sections of the library are located?

  10. Are my volunteers friendly, helpful and love to be at the library?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Public Library Blog- librarianbyday.net

   Bobbi Newman at Librarianbyday.net  is a public librarian  who has been blogging since 1999.   As an ALA Councilor-At Large, and also on several advisory boards she is a busy lady.  She has designed some interesting projects which you can read about on her blog. Two that I can't wait to delve into: This is what a librarian looks like, and Library Day In the life.

   On her site you will find a variety of posts on issues for public librarians. There are many categories: Best Practices, Books- Read this, Customer  Service, & digital literacy( just to name a few). They are interesting and provide a lot of food for thought and change for you and your library.

  I plan to really dive right in here and get a lot of insight for my new position as library branch manager. There are posts on training for managers and  a youtube segment that I think looks really helpful.

   Does any one have any favorite blogs- whether you are a school or public librarian?  I just think they are so helpful!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Organizing work spaces in your library

     In my new position as library branch manager , I have many  places to organize, update, and streamline.  My desk was on of my priorities and yesterday  I think I have it the way I want it.( For now anyway)
   My husband brought in a side lamp  to improve the lighting. The main light is in the a very high ceiling(  the library is in a 1915 brick bank. I needed a bit more light especially since it is getting dark much earlier.

    We moved the file sorter with files( More on that later) to a side cabinet which also has some of my organizing notebooks ( see organizing your office- part 5, 4/26/13 )  ).  Since we did that I turned my hard drive on its side and moved the monitor and keyboard to the middle.( it was on one side )
   So when I am not using the computer, I have a wider spread of desk, and I can spread out to work if need be.  Previously I was going out to one of the library tables which was okay, But when y6ou are trying to get a project done , if you are in your office with doors closed there is much less interruptions.

   For more information  on organizing the main tasks of the library, order my eBook The Organized Librarian.,   See the tab on top of thge page "Books To Order"


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Public Libraries -Heart of the Community

     Public libraries serve the community by bringing people and information together. As so many people in the US are facing job loss, the public library is becoming the place to seek assistance and obtain new skills .  Most of the our public libraries are also now technology hubs. Many patrons still rely on the public libraries for their internet still service.

    Many times the public library is a source of information in helping people with serious needs, loss of housing or public assistance. Library's can be a contact point to community agencies for people in need.

  Public libraries are equalizers. They are a place where people of all ages and backgrounds can freely use a variety of resources and receive guidance of librarians who are information specialists.

    When the economy is down, as it is presently, public library use is increased.  Patrons use the library to gain information, borrow movie and music cd's and dvd's , borrow rather than purchase books, learn new technology skills, and  participate in free programs.   What impact the public library has is always dependent on funding. Librarians with adequate funds can provide more resources for patrons in need.,

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Promotion of Public Libraries

         The key to promote and change the image of the public library and marketing its services is to change the standard library vocabulary to something more catching , attractive and useful to patrons.

        How do we do that? Can prek story time become a class or workshop?  ( Parents and guardians will see the benefits of something more educational and informational)  Any program can be called a class , workshop, or seminar.

       Circulation  procedures can be called customer serve. The librarian will have the job of being the program developer,  library manager, instructor,  team leader or research specialist.   As librarians we need to adapt our library specific works that do  not really connect to our patrons.  We can replace many  terms to show more educational and community goals. We want to show a more educational , community focus that patrons will be able to view as necessary  and beneficial. 

       Use terms that draw patrons in  to the library to use the resources  and programs.   Think  of vocabulary that includes more community and educational  focus instead of  older terms will help the community have a new view of the library.

       Begin today to think of and use new vocabulary to advertise, promote and  describe your library  and the programs you provide to the patrons.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Promotion of Public Libraries

   How can public libraries become more than just recreation reading and viewing?  The key answer  is education.
  Education is at the core of the 21st century.   As we closely align pubic libraries with education , we can  bring  many benefits to our users and the libraries.
  As libraries , whether school or public we need to improve services, enhance out image and be supportive to students and patrons.
  We  need to be aware  of members of society and provide means for children and adults to succeed personally and financially. We need to become essential to all.
   The way to become essential to all is tor provide education support  that cannot be cut.   One step is to  provide directed education( books, materials, DVD's, electronic journals_ anything people can use on their own.
  The second part is providing assistance and instruction. This can be done individual or in small groups. Courses will be for all ages.  Think story hour, summer reading, classes in on line resources.
  The third part is having instructive and enlightening experience . Thank author visits, book discussions, poetry slams, craft days, and workshops for adults./( bread making, writers groups, knitting groups, chess / game days).
   Libraries should be educational and bring people of all ages in the community together.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Why we need Librarians and Libraries

    Libraries( school, academic, and public) are a place for education, self help, ad pleasure. Libraries bring access to all, depending on who they serve.
     Americans check out almost 2 Billion items every year. What do they check out? We  go to libraries to get books,  to borrow DVD's, and other items ( Kindles, nooks, laptops). We also go to the library to learn new computer and technology skills , and to learn more about job skills and job searches.

   The librarian at whatever library  you choose can guide  you to find the one answer you need. With a web search, you may find many answers  with more time invested. As time goes one, more services will in in greater demand at all libraries.

     Libraries are the solution in this poor economy. Free access to books and materials, online resources for individuals, resources for businesses and encouraging life long learning are part of the libraries goals and mission. As more and more Americans look for jobs, libraries are helping to level the playing fields for many job seekers.
    Public libraries support job seeker with databases and classes. School libraries  support students with information and Web 2.0 skills. Whenever the the economy is poor, Library  use is up.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Routines at the Public Library!

  In my new position as library branch manager, I have  three floors of an old bank building that is my library.  The top floor has been redone ( it used to be used by Masons). It is beautiful ! They restored almost most everything to the original  condition. It is still a work in progress.
  Any way I am developing ( with the help of Library Director) library routines that help us  begin each morning and close each night. With three floors there is a lot to cover!
   One of the most important items  heat and light. I am establishing a check list with the staff so that all items will completed at the beginning and closing of each day.   I think I will do a three column page with items that can be checked off  or noted when done. Does any one else have opening and closing procedures? Would you share?   
  I am sure there are many public library's that are bigger than mine , so please share what you do!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Digital literacy for Public Librarians-Why

    Digital literacy means the ability to locate, evaluate , and use digital information. The ability to recognize what information is needed and when to use it are also important components of digital literacy.   Using a wide range of technologies effectively is also important to the adult community( computer, mobile devices, blogs, twitter, facebook , youtube).
    Without access to the internet , adults can't develop digital literacy. Without digital literacy, patrons will not gain maximum benefit from online resources. Being digital literate will also help adults and seniors procure a job in today's job market.
    Training provided by the public libraries to adult patrons is an important service.  Offering a variety of technology training is key .
   Some public libraries have informal assistance , one on one sessions, formal tech training classes and online training materials. This training help adults  to  have skills to join or rejoin the workforce. Some libraries also provide  access to job databases and job opportunity resources,  There may also be provision for civil service materials.
  Many libraries offer other resources to help them with resumes and interviews. Additionally librarians may have staff to help patrons complete online job applications.
   In providing Digital literacy services and classes , the public library help create a skilled and knowledgeable workforce able to meet the technology of the 21st century.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pubic Librarians & Digital Literacy

        I am in my new position as branch library manager. It is exciting and just a bit different from  the school, moslty being the patrons and the computer systems. We have three libraries in three towns that are close to each other. The three branches support the one merged school.
        A big part of this library system is the offering to the public internet acdcess and educational services toward Digital Literacy. We have classs given by computer specilaist in using the cojmputer, an employment series, and onlien data base classes, among others ( Cuponing is one I want to take!)
       Public librarians play a major role in bringing the adult patorn up to speed on the newest technology and helping them get used to the 'new' computers.
       There are still many patrons and families that do not have computers and interent access in their homes.  So our library is providing digital literacy to those who do not have the measn  to afford it.  So both the school and public library are great equalizers by providing these services.,
What types of programs does your public library have for bring adult patrons up to speed?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

What should libraries look like today?

    Visualize your up to date library. What should it look like?   You are probably part way there already.   There should be a lot of activity  virtually .  Most , but not all, library activity is online with resources and activities on websites and databases.   In schools and public library, there is a lot of focus on extending physical offerings to being online.

   So here is what I am thinking-  you see patrons and students using the computers or lap tops or Ipads to search the web , use databases, read eBooks, work together on projects,  use the library website to search for books use social media to connect with other, look at online lessons and tutorials.

  Of course you know that I have been blogging about so many websites, blog, and web 2.0 tools  that you can show students , and encourage them also  use all the library has to offer.

  As a librarian , it is your job to make sure the student and patron have the resources that they need and want to use.  Fight for the students and the patrons so they can have the most  up to date

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Why should librarians teach technology?

  As librarians, public, academic, and school, we need to be teaching technology. Will that be taking away of our love of books?  No way- it should enhance our love of books, reading, and learning!

  Technology is changing the roles and responsibility's of librarians. Librarians need to be information literate are and then they need to up to speed on the new technology. Why? Because that is the way the world is going and we need to go with it. We need to help patrons know about how to keep up with all of the newest technology and how to get the latest information.  There are a variety of formats that knowledge and information come in.  We want to help all generations be effective users of ideas and information,
 Librarians are a place now of not just print materials, they are filled with electronic mediums that give up to date and accurate information.   Students and 20-30 somethings often prefer getting their information and recreation from non- print sources. you can tell by just watching as they walk around with their phones, tablets, and ipads

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Mystery Websites For October ( or anytime)

   Some websites to add to your mystery quest!


       This site has online mysteries , mystery games, short story mysteries, books and resources, kids mysteries and information   on authors. There is also information on best selling and top mystery authors,


   Although not a current active website , there is lots of read and learn about mysteries here, A new blog has grown from this site called  http://www.mysteryfile.com/blog/


   Mystery Readers International has links to journal articles reading groups, mystery periodicals ., mystery book stores, and reviews of books.  There  are also links to a blog called "Mystery Fanfare"


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mysteries in October!

       Mystery books and stories are a good theme for the month of October.  In my new position of Branch Manger of a branch library in a small town, we have a WHOLE room filled with mysteries!!
I am amazed at our collection  of mysteries. This room is adult mysteries , but in a school you could pull the mysteries to display them or shelve them in section or on some shelves if you have the room.

     How can you promote mysteries?   In a school situation you could make a brief slide show to highlight some  your best- add a short description ( oral or written) . Show it on a ongoing monitor or attach it to your website or blog . 

    Have a contest- have patrons write reviews, make a pod cast review, draw an illustration from the book, make a book poster or vote for their favorite mystery.  I think most of these would work with both adults or students.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Interesting Writing Sites for Students

More sites to try
   Use storyjumper.com to motivate students to write and make books!  Students will have fun with this one and be glad to get into writing. They show 7 simple steps to help the story progress. There is a tutorial  and a short video to help you get started.

 Students can use storyjumper’s art or they can create their own.  They do offer hardbound books printed for 24.99.

  There is a classroom edition made just for schools. Students can read some examples of other student works. 



On Scribblitt there are many assists to help students be motivated to write. This site is for older students with a more modern look.  This site has a lot to offer for student- make an avatar, illustrate your book, word games, and fund raisers for schools. Under several tabs you  can find a place for messages, contests' story starters,  and writing competitions. There is also a verh short video on some of the items on Scribblitt.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Circulation Desk - Organization & Supplies

     How is your circulation desk? Does it look like its been hit by a tornado?  Do you have trouble finding things? 

     If so take a few moments each day  to becoming more organized at the circulation desk.  As librarians we probably spend a lot of time at the circ desk so  it makes sense to have it orderly and organized, It will be helpful to know where everything is . Also  it is nice is having all the circ supplies at that location instead of having to run to a storage room to get something you need to use immediately. If you have a drawer that you can use, place your normal supplies in there so you do not have to go some place when you run out,
     The first step of action is to  determine what you actually need at the circulation desk.   You will need the most obvious desk items: paper, pencils, and pencils. Do you need data due slips?  What kinds of records do you need to keep?  What reports are necessary each day?

    Keeping items organized is a great way to keep your desk in order. So grab some file organizers if you have to keep papers at the circ desk.  Have a can for pens, and pencils. If you use lots of paper clips or rubber bands get a container for each type.

     At your desk supply list: pens, pencils, paper, scrap paper, report forms, manila folders, paper clips, rubber bands, post it notes.  Include anything else you need on a daily basis!

   Check out the top tab- The Organized Librarian-  for more organizing at your library!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

File Cabinets- taking Charge, taking control

It's  another week at work on organizing the library office ( if you have one)  or your main desk if your workspace is right at the circulation desk.  I am always working and refining on my files and file cabinets to make them more efficient.
   Now that does not mean that I am constantly working on my files and cabinets. It means that almost every week, I spend some time organizing, deleting, and compressing my files. It may be 10 or 15 per week  or  10 minutes per day.   It all depends on  what  kind of shape the files are in and also what other pressing tasks I need to complete that week.
   Do you have duplicate files? I found that in one draw alone I had several files in several places with the same name. Obviously I will take each one and see what is in each one , consolidate and then eliminate.

    Why am I doing this? Well for one reason , it makes things easier to find. Second
reason, I like orderly files. When I need something I don't want to spend extra minutes tracking down two files.  Check out my book The Organized Librarian    ( see pages tab Books for sale) for more tips  on keeping files updated and organized.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

More sites for student surfing

   Finding sites for students to use is one that teachers and librarians are always on a look out for .  Two that are very realizable are listed. These sites have been around awhile and have been used my many librarians and educators.   Perhaps you already know about them.  The rcls one  is the most impressive for use by students. This regional library council is in our local school district area and supports the public libraries .   Check them out and let me know what you think.


   This is a collection of children's search tools that help kids find facts on topics. There are age appropriate websites and databases of information specifically for students of all ages.  Basic information , dictionary's and teacher sites are used to help students find their facts fast.


  This site gives you lists and pages of librarians choices of the best of the web. It is my go to choice when trying to find sites that students and teachers can use to find the information that they need.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Essentials for a Public Library Website

     What should a website for a Public Library include?    First of all think about your patrons ( children, teens, adults, and    senior citizens) . What do they need to get from your site? How can you draw them in to get them to use resources and bring them into the library?

   Does your site provide patrons with an accurate picture of what your library is all about?  A public library should focus on resources and programs.

     A good site will show case what a books, resources, and services the library provides  So of course one of the primary items should be the online catalog.  Information here can also allow patrons to request items and place them hold.

   Additionally ,  there could be having easy links to the library's databases . Information can be given on  what to do if patrons are accessing the databases at home.

   Also have in a calendar or a listing  of programs . Our public library has a link to the calendar  which shows all the special programs and events ( book discussions, poetry nights, game nights, story hours, book sales computer classes, ect)

   How about electronic books and magazines? Have  a link with directions on how to download and then also items available. Information on terms of loan and how to request should also be available. Some libraries have Zinio and magazines can be downloaded for patrons to read on tablets.

    Additional tabs or pages could be the basics: driving directions, contact us, about us, board of directors and their minutes,  new arrivals( books, DVD's videos), newsletters,  and library news.

    Last but not least, what kind of fun things can you include?  Do you gave photographs of  patrons using the libraries resources? How about photos / videos of special programs, and classes ( think story hour, kids program, discussion groups, poetry slams, ect.) Put them interspersed around the site or prepare a slide show  that patrons can watch.

    Make  your public library website a place where patrons can find out all that is going on at your library!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sites for Student Surfing!

Sites for Student Surfing!


By helping students to be more critical in their web searchers try to introduce sites that have great content and are reliable.  Put links to them on your library website ( See    ) This will help students to find facts and information quickly and without a lot of needless surfing,  Explain to them that having these sites will save them a lot of time and error.


Cable in the Classroom: Digital Ethics


This teaches safe, courteous and ethical web behavior. There are also lots of tips and ideas for educators.  See Safety and Security, digital literacy, ethics and community!


Kathy Schrock’s Guide For Educators


 This will keep both you and your teachers busy for a while. There are tabs with links to articles on internet,  and internet search engines. There is a lot to find here   have so fun !

Friday, September 6, 2013

Essentials for School Library Website

    If  you have a school library website ( hopefully linked to your school's website) there are a couple of items you should  have .   First of all , figure out the purpose of your site/ What are you trying to do by having the site?  When you have figured that out  it will help you determine what you want to put up on the site

     To get started here is a list of what   is on most school library sites:
  1) With the focus on teaching and learning, there could be a blog or wiki with student ideas and comments about books and what they are learning ( both in the library and at their classes). There could also be slide shows, or pod casts  that showcase student learning and reading.
Anything thing like promotes student participation, especially blogs or Wiki's . Students love to contribute their thoughts and ideas,

2)  To drive more students and parents to your library site, you could also post  current student projects . This will have  many students looking at your site to see what they or their friends have posted,

3) Resources for your audience!!  Most important!! you should have your catalog ( goes without saying) Then your best data bases, and links to most used sites that have the most reliable information .    You may also want some links to best sellers, new books, and reviews by students to help students find out new books to read,

4) Resources for teachers!  websites and databases, services your library provides.  if you are having  workshops or staff development  you could also put an invite here. How about great Web2.0 tools that teachers could use and an offer to help?

5) Photos , or slide shows  of what is going on in  your library. Pictures of special evetns, reading programs,  and other activities that go on in the library.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Shifting Shelves! Moving Books!

   What  is your technique for shifting ( moving ) books on shelves?  We were helping yesterday at the Public library . I have shifted shelves many times in my many years of librarianship  and each time I try to think of how to do it more efficiently.

     One of the most obvious things to look at and consider is height of books. If they are all consistent then it is not a problem. If you will have the room, you might want to adjust the shelves and put more of the books all upright and not turned down.  ( This is much better for the  books of course)

  When you get into the mode of moving and adjusting shelves, get a cup for shelf brackets , a couple of towels  to wipe the shelves and backs of shelves and maybe even a tape measure or ruler.( This saves a lot of time when you have to get the brackets even for the shelves.

   If you do not have to adjust the shelves then the job will go a lot quicker. It is easier to work backwards, ( for me anyway) then you can move each shelf either over or down.  While you are shifting, check the books, dust them off if need be , and also  look for books that need repair or could possibly be deleted,
   When you are doing this process it may remind you of inventory . It is also a great way to get to know  your  collection : see what you have, see what you want to check the circulation stats on.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

New School Year-- keeping organized- Your Desk

  The new school year is upon us. Are you ready??   The desk is the one great place to start whether you are starting a new year or just want to refocus on organizing  and being efficient.  What is on your  desk? 

   There is always the question also  whether your desk is the main circulation desk and your work desk or perhaps you are lucky enough to have an office  and a desk also in there.

    But key in on the place ( desk ) where you spend the most time and do the most work . Do you have the tools that you need there to complete the most pressing tasks.  If you do not , then take the time to consider what you need  and then Get the Supplies You Need  to complete the tasks. Then you will not to jump up , and get the items you need.

  Some ideas on what you might need at your desk to complete your  tasks:

  pencils / pens
  lined paper
  manila folders/ file holder
  zip drive ( for techies)\Is your computer on your desk at all times?)
  daily period schedule ( for school librarians)
  in/out basket ( for mail , announcements, routing)
  post it notes / small paper  
  plan book ( school librarians)]
  daily planner ( public)

   Set up your items on a cleared off space. You will determine which of these items you will use . If you try something and you find you do not need it then eliminate it. The best way to work a systems is to use tools that help you get the job done!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Organized Librarian book is ready!

  Well it 's finally done and ready to go! The Organized Librarian is ready as an ebook! So fellow librarians ( school and public)check out this offer!     See the page  tab that says   Books for Sale !
  There are some very helpful tips , hints, and procedures that will help your year go smoothly. Order one today and get it quickly!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Choosing the Right Resources Part 4

     The last section I am commenting on is choosing the right internet resources.  Internet resources offer global information containing fact, opinion, reason, and nonsense. The resources on the internet always need to be analyze as to whether the source is reliable and if the information is credible and accurate.  This is a valuable skill for students to learn: verifying of websites, blogs and other web tools.

    Students need early instruction of evaluating internet resources. Simple group discussion of sites are a good beginning . Later  discussion can lead to  more in depth analyzing.  As a student progresses, they will learn more critical analysis of authors, qualifications, and accuracy of data.

    Discussion of use is important .  Information published should be check before use.  Access to a huge volume of data is the benefit to all who need quick information . Internet sites may not be the only  answer  or the right  answer . Students need to be able to recognize this fact.
  Many times students just assume that the facts are accurate. We need to help them see  that the need to be  critical is one skill that will help them to figure out if the site has useful information .

Monday, August 19, 2013

Best websites for teaching and learning- how do you choose?

     Librarians are asked constantly for recommendation of the best website for teachers to use with students.  When keeping up with the newest sites this is the place to go . A great source that will save you time and effort is the AASL( American Association of School Librarians) site which names the top 25!
   I found this awhile ago  and would like to explore each and every tech tool. So far I have done a few but not all..  The site provides descriptions and learning standards in 6 different categories. You can easily find formats and tools that will help students build and expand their knowledge and provide engaging ways to increase the desire to learn.
   The curriculum collaboration section  helps when teachers ask about content websites.  There are lists of past years best sites , so all in all this is a great place to bookmark , refer to, and dive in to each site to see how it will be useful to your students and teachers.


  Actually , if you have never explored  AASL there is a lot of information here that  you may find very helpful. So check out this site  to find some great internet tools and resources.!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Choosing the Right Resouces - Part 3

    Electronic resources are found on the computer and are categorized by subject areas. Most are usually accessible on the web both  on site ( school or public library) and most times at home. Many districts provide log in and passwords for in home use.
   The most common electronic resources are data bases, directories, and  catalogs. Use of theses resources help students obtain skills using topics/ subtopics, keywords/ phrases local arrangements ,, indexes and maps.
  The information in electronic resource's is instant . The formats of the data bases are both easy to use and provide challenging complexity. Information of course is provided by experts in their field.

  Most high schools and public libraries provide electronic resources on their website. Even many elementary schools are instructing  students to use these databases as a quick way to access needed information.  Student use of these  resources provides quick information  that is accurate .

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Friday, August 9, 2013



   This fun site leads you to other sites  which have reviews for other grade levels. I am not sure if  this is an expansion of the 2nd grade reading site with reviews that I explored  in an earlier post.  But the site has lots of ideas for books . You may want to check this out for ideas for book purchases or  show to your teachers if they ask for books on a grade level.

   This would also be great for public libraries to have linked to their website if you get a lot of questions about good books for a certain grade / age level.

   There is also Common Core news and tips .  You can search by categories .  A monthly newsletter is offered . Most importantly is the side bar where you can sign up to see other grade level book recommendations!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Choosing the Right Resources - Part 2

     The librarian in a school is key to developing instructional units that expose students to all media in different context areas. The goal is to provide students with a variety and wide range of information and types of media,

   So lets not forget that there are exceptional print resources  that many times are overlooked in our digital society.  Students still to  think of Atlases, newspapers, periodicals, textbooks and nonfiction books in their quest for needed information.

  As the librarian , you can introduce theses to students. Provide opportunities for students to uses theses to help o then complete teacher required tasks.  Remember to highlight complex features of these print resources  as their skills in use of these resources increase,( table of contents, index, headings/ subheadings, summaries and abstract's).

  Remind students that print resources provide facts and figures, are easy to use and portable.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Some Digital Primary Resources

     Primary sources are original records created at the time historical events happened, or well after they happened in form of memoirs or oral history,  Primary sources can include letters, diaries, journals, newspapers, speeches, interviews , and documents.
     Doing a quick check for some primary resources on the web and you will probably come up with ALA and their recommendations.
  Here are a few sites that you can check out for use by your staff and students. You might want to offer lessons  on these or perhaps have them available on your library website,

 American History

American Memory


Avalon Project


 Making of America



World History




Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Liebster Blog Award

Thank you Stacy @ Library Gals for nominating me for the Liebster  Blog Award!!   Your information and questions are very interesting!!

My Eleven Facts
1.  I love being a librarian!
2.  I love reading both kids books , historical fiction, cookbooks, and biography!
3.  I have been a librarian for 32 years.( until my position was cut)
4.  Learning about the new technology is fun and challenging.
5.  My library blog keeps me current about library issues.
6.   I am always looking for new ways to stay organized and be more efficient.
7.  I  like updating lessons and finding new books to read and recommend to students and teachers.
8.   I like writing  , cooking, and sewing in my spare time!
9.   My Favorite  Picture Book is Three Days on a River in a Red Canoe/ Williams
10.  My Favorite Illustrator is Lindsay Barrett George
11.  My Favorite Ya author is Clara Gillow Clark! ( She is also a distant relative!)

Answers to the questions:
What is the best piece of advice given to you as a librarian?
 Learn how to ask for help!

What is a favorite lesson you have taught?
 I have a great lesson using Daniel Kirks,  The Library Mouse and having the students make a mini book after that story.

What is your favorite read aloud for primary and intermediate?
For primary grades it would be Book, Book, Book. by Deborah Bruss
For intermediate it would be  The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary
These may not be the newest but I find that the students just love to listen to them!

What grade levels do you teach?
 In my last position I  taught classes to  grades 4-6 and pre-k.

What are 3 must have books for all libraries?
 The Chronicles of Narnia /Lewis
 Charlotte's Web/ White
The Little Engine that could/Piper
 Or  A good dictionary, an encyclopedia, and a book of quotes!

Have you ever been a classroom teacher?
 I taught in a Catholic school for two years and did a 4/5 and a 1/2.
What was your favorite book as a child?
  The Little  House by  Virginia Lee Burton

What is the one book you think everyone should read? 
  The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

What is your favorite thing about being a librarian?

 Three things: reading great books to kids, showing students how to find answers  to their questions, opening the boxes of new books and sharing them with the kids!

Have you ever had an author/ illustrator visit your school ? If yes, who?
Jan Cheripko, Clara Gillow Clark, Lindsay Barrett George, Vera Williams

How many computers do you have in your library?

My 11 questions.
 1. What advice would you give a new librarian?

2. Do you have a fixed or flex schedule?

3. What do you enjoy most about being a librarian?

4. What is your favorite lesson to teach?

5. Do you have a favorite author? If so how do you share that with students?

6. What are your greatest challenges about being a librarian?

7.  What is your favorite part of being a librarian?

8.  How do you add technology into your lessons?

9. Do you have any other technology ( besides computers) in your library?

10. What was your favorite book as a child?

11. What is your favorite genre?

My Nominees

1. A to Z Library

2. Kid tested , Librarian Approved

3.Library Media Specialist Help Desk

4. The Book Bug

5.The Busy Librarian

6.VanMeter Library Voice

7.The Mad River Librarian

8. The Librarians Quest

The rules for this award are as follows:

Thank the Liebster-winning blogger who nominated you and link back to
 their blog.
Post eleven facts about yourself.
Answer the eleven questions your nominator asked.
Create eleven questions for your nominees.
Nominate 5 to 11 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserves to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen.
Display the Liebster Award logo.


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Visual Literacy and Primary Resources

        As librarians and teachers , engage students with pure content and show them how to be more visually aware. You can do this by using primary resources to add to and support  text book resources. 

         Find in your data bases and other online sources  photography, letters,  documents and possible recordings  . Use these images to engage and inspire students to learn  more about the topic at hand.

        Have students make observations about the images , allow them to interpret what they see and also  have them draw conclusions about what is happening .( Critical thinking skills come alive!)  Use primary sources as writing prompts,0r research prompts.  Highlight  scientists, inventors,   and other famous persons. Each subject area has famous people: artists, mathematicians, and writers, use the primary sources to have students learn about them.
        Each subject area teacher ( not just history)  can find using primary sources  helpful in inspiring students to become visual learners,

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Digital media makes a difference

  I am still on a roll and feeling very strongly about students learning and using the newest media and technology tools.  As librarians we can be key in helping teachers and students learn about using all these new tools /
    Teachers are beginning to use the new technology / digital too and finding that it does make a difference in student learning.  The new digital tools are not like the static printed textbook. The tools , databases, and other media are updated instantly, and most demand interaction by students and other users.
  There are links that allow the user to jump from page to page in different sequences, There are tools that provide audio, and video images , virtual reality , animation and games.
 Students can engage in computer games. student produced pod casts, posts, videos, and on line collaboration projects with others. While students are using the new tools, they are acquiring new information , analyzing the information , interacting with the facts and with others, and most importantly becoming life long learners.
  So lets help  bring our students into the 21st century with these tools. What are you doing with your teachers and students? As librarian , how are you helping your district  and your students?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Teachers and Librarains: Using Digital Tools / Media

     Both teachers and librarians should become comfortable using the new technology tools/ Why?? 
Students are more engaged and involved when using technology tools.

     How do you start?  Well I hope you are moving along in your goal for learning at least two tech tools this summer. ( Remember I said -don't stop at just two- when you have mastered two do two more!)

   Hopefully you will have the ability to display screen shots from your computer to a smart or white board in your classroom.  Start each new unit by displaying a variety of internet resources, databases and tools relative to that topic. Show the students how to determine if the information is accurate and reliable.

   Compare search and information from different search engines , websites, and library resources. Discuss differences information and layout and ease of use.

    By doing this you will show students up to date , accurate information . Having engaging tools, and instructing then using the tools will help them acquire the information and  inspire them to become lifelong learners.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Curriculum and Media Literacy Skills

     Insgtruction for Media Literacy skills should be embedded into each curriculum area and grade level. ideally teachers and librarians should decide what skills go with what grade level, and figure out what subject area to fit it in with.
     This would be a great beginning for collaborative prokects  which could also emcompass other speaial areat teachers ( ex. second grade deoes animals research both in class and at library and computer lab, student does a report , illustrates the animals habitat in art class, and does a voice thread about their animal)   You can see in this example where the librarian can fit in many media and literacy skills.)
     Growing research shows that media literacy instruction improves student reading, viewing and listening of print,  audio , and video texts. there is also more student analysis of information.  These skills transfer to tool for learning and gaining connections between the curriculum and experiences outside of school.
    Integration of media literacy can be accomplished by teachers ad librarian working creatively to produce lessons that engage and excite students about learning, By using the new media and its tools , students are also being shown the importance of live long learning.
  Some  more examples:
   ELA teachers can have student analyze a literary work and its movie /video version.

   Social studies teachers could have students develop  short media ( podcast, blog post, video) about a region, historical period, or event in history.
    Science teachers can have student explore scientists and inventors or current developments. They would produce a media project to showcase what they have learned.

     Math students could produce and analyze chart and graphs which rep[resent common data/

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Motivational Reading Programs- Middle and Secondary

   There is still the need at both the middle and secondary level to host reading motivation programs. They will probably look completely different than the ones you see at the elementary level . Promoting reading  for  students  is still a priority for any librarian  at the school and public level.

    One of the best ways for middle school promotions is the Battle of the Books. Students can choose groups to work with. After reading the required books students are tested / quizzed about details from the books. This can be done in several rounds in a Jeopardy style  program or can also be done on a monthly basis with written questions.  Scores are posted . A final round provides winners.

     This also provides the opportunity for teams to compete with other school winners . This really highlights reading as a collaborative and competitive "sport."

     Another   reading motivation challenge is a promotion by YA author Kay Cassidy:"The Great Scavenger Hunt"  Every month  she chooses  a lucky winner  to get a Barnes and Noble card . If the student wins then their library also wins a bundle of books .
    There is a list of books and the trivia challenge questions on the her site: www.kaycassidy.com/hunt


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Media Literacy Skills- A Collaborative Project !

      Internet access has accelerated both the amount of information and the types of web based / integrated tools that students  need  to showcase what information they have learned.  Students that are ready for college or career need to  be able to analyze and showcase what they have learned.
      Students ready for college or career training needed  the ability to critically analyze and evaluate the information acquired . They need to figure out if the information is what is needed, and how they can use it.
    Schools need to teach students how  to use the media as  tools  to help them in these tasks. Having Media Skills  provides students the ability to use the tools to advance their knowledge gand their critical  thinking skills.
   Ideally , library media specialists and teachers collaborating on lessons is the best way to provide students with Media literacy skills. The librarian provides the resources (print, electronic, databases) and helping students with web based interactive tools ( glogster, wallwisher, livebinder, ect)

    These tools and resource's are engaging and interactive. Add to that teachers  need to be encouraging students with content area information and engaging students in higher level thinking skills of content area.
With a collaborative aim and help with assessment , the librarian becomes a big player in the students learning how to use media and its tools effectively.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Library Scheduling( Flex or Fixed?)

    What does your schedule look like? I guess it all depends on whether you are in an elementary or middle/ high school. Many elementary library schedules are tied to teacher plans and that is why they are fixed.  You may also have a semifix4d schedule  if you are at the middle school level.

   What can you do about the fixed schedule ?  It may work out fine if you are in a small school.  And there are advantages to the fixed schedule. A fixed schedule provides the librarian with the fact that he/she will see each class for instruction and every one will have access to getting books and resources from the library.

     With the flex schedule, teachers are more able to collaborate with librarians at the time of need. Many librarians with a fixed schedule may not have any time in their day for collaborating with teachers on lessons.  So is there any way to get some of that time needed?

      Try to work with you administrator who does the scheduling. Think of other ways to accomplish the tasks that you need to have students do during the year.

      Book Check
         Can you allow book check out at the beginning and end of each day when there are no classes?
         Choose and hold: students can put a sticky note on the books that they want with name and teachers name, Then as time allows , library books are checked to the student's and delivered to their classroom , or arrange for a student  from each class to pick up.
     Self Check out: Teach students to check out their own books. It really is not difficult for most programs .Check you program to see if there is a self check mode.

     Instructional Time:
         If you have flexible scheduling , you work out with the teachers each week when they will be coming and what they will be doing. You may have a sign up sheet for teacher's who want to just bring students for check out.  If you have set times for book check out in a flex schedule be careful to not fill up your schedule so that collaboration time is lost, Here's a question : do they need check out time each and every week? Younger students maybe - older maybe every other week
       Another way to fit in many classes is A/B week. So half the classes meet on week A. The other half on week B. This leaves some times open so there  may be times for open library  for research or collaboration with teachers,

     A variation on this is to have say K-2-4  during the first semester  for instruction with  1-3-5 just coming for book check.  At the semester change then the 1-3-5 has instruction and the K-2-4 gets a 15 minute book check out time.


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Motivaltional reading programs-Primary

   School   motivational reading programs are an important[ortant  part of ns role in te school today.  Motivational programs for the youngest readers and listeners can be run (PK-2) should be run for a short time span- amonth  to month iand a half would be the most .

    Specify that the student scan read or be read to. Give them ( students and parents)  an easy way to keep track  of books read. Have them write titles and fill in a 'reading ' sheet/ Have parents / older sibling/ guardian/ teacher sign or initial each title or spot. ( This keeps parents more involved and know what the child is doing.,
  Think of an easy way to recognize and celebrate your yonng readers. try to include as many students as you can.

  1.  Beary Fun Reading: Students read and keep track of books . Have a large Bear Paw Print with a spot for students  and parents signature. Students can write in title in each 'pad' of the bears  paw. Then they can color and you can display them around the library.  At the end of the celebration have a parade with students carrying their favorite stuffed bear or animals.  Have hot cocoa and cookies or ice cream and cookies for all who did at least  two or four bear paws.

2. Caldecott Challenge : for students for grades 2 and 3.  Students have about a month and a half to read/ listen to as many Caldecott's as they wish.  They write the titles of the Caldecott's and rate  them with a happy or sad face ( or stars).  If everyone in the class reads at least 12 , then the class gets a popcorn party. Top readers in each class get a decorated bag with small prizes ( books , pencils, stickers, bookmarks and erasers) If you are feeling rich, provide bigger prizes- books, gift certificates,  a cd player .

Thursday, June 27, 2013

College Readiness - Librarians and the Common Core

   Over 45 states across the US. have chosen to adopt the Common Core Learning Standards. The Common Core specifies that student develop critical thinking skills, and  problem solving skills need for academic success. What kinds of instruction helps student develop theses skills?

   For the most part, student are required to obtain information about a certain subject and then do something with the information..  (Student reactions, independent work, increasing the amount and complexity of the reading) So they need to discover texts( information) and apply outside approaches.

   Where does the school librarian and library fit in? Students need to discover and apply critical thinking to complex texts. The complex texts are found in the library where the librarian provides both print and electronic resources ( databases) and other  online sources.

    Students need opportunities to integrate information in various subjects areas. Librarians teach skill information skills that help student learn search and analyzing information sills, There are several data bases ( Contemporary Literacy Criticism & 21 Century Literacy Criticism  both from Gale) that contain literary analysis.

  Common Core looks beyond novel or textbook. The library and its resources support the Common core by identifying materials, and resources for instruction and assessments, Librarians contribute to CC work by collaborating, instructing a, and providing resources and materials,

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Professional Growth

   It is summertime  . Don't let your mind turn to mush! Yes , I know you are learning new tech tools! ( I hope anyway)  But what else can you learn? 
   This is a great time to attend conferences, take workshops, seminars or courses ( in person or on-line) to enhance you skills as a Media Specialist.  You may also want to think about earning an additional certificate to enhance your library degree. ( think ESL- English as a Second language, GT- gifted and talented, reading specialist, literacy education, or special education. )They add to job security.
   Your new skills and certificates may be needed at the district , enough to keep your position and assist in your new area of expertise.
  Look to your BOCES, nearby colleges, or online courses.  Check with colleagues to see what they are doing and taking over the summer. Sometimes there are group rates.  .Just having a buddy along with you  makes the course or   workshop more enjoyable and more educational. You can bounce ideas and activities off each other and  make connections with both 0f your curriculums.
    Check out some library blogs and see what they are discussing. Join in the conversation and add some comments , ideas, and thoughts. Keep thinking of ways to improve your ideas about your library and your programs.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Barefoot Ambassador

    Well I did it! I am a new ambassador for Barefoot books. You can see ( if you haven't already) I have a link to my page at Barefoot.  The books are beautiful and  very well done. I have read already quite a few and they are really  high quality and will be great for kids!!
    One of my Favorites is  Animal Boogie ( Harter & Penner) which is a watch and sing along- It comes with a Cd which is very engaging! The story told in rhyme is great for preschoolers - it describes  jungle animals  and shows them as they play.  This story also encourages movement and there are a lots of ways that  teachers and parents can use to this with their children.  The illustrations are vibrant and so much fun. There is a lot to see on each two page spread.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Technology Tuesday-Summer Goals

  In the past year, I have reviewed and learn to use many  web 2.0 tools and seen many interesting websites . Make if one your goals this summer to learn how to use maybe tow of these so that you can use them with your students and staff for the next school year,
   By using a neat web 2.0 tool with your students , they will be more engaged in their learning of the information skills you are imparting. Students in the 21st century need to be able to know about  and use these 'cool' ways ot collaborating , interacting, and collecting information.

    Make a presentation ( think power point, prezi) for your student and teacher orientation of the school library.  Teach students about  blogs or pod casts, and have them share what they are reading and learning.  Develop a wiki for students to use for collaboration on a research topic for a certain unit or lesson.

    Don't forget your staff!!  What tool can you teach them to use? Power Point, Prezi, Blogging, or podcasting? ( Just to mention a few). Do some staff development workshop[s and show them how they can  be used to engage students.

    So make a goal for the  summer , but don't just stop learning at two.  When you have mastered those, make another goal to learn two more, Let me know what you will be doing with your Web 2.0 Tool!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Role of a Successful School Library

    To have a successful school library program, the most important recommendation is that a certified school librarian plays a strong instructional role in the school.  The librarian will be focused on informational literacy, engagement with information technology, and reading/literacy development.
    Successful school librarians also work toward high levels of instructional collaboration between the librarian and the classroom teacher. 
    It doesn't matter the size of the collection r the amount of funds spent on materials.  What matters , what is key, is the school librarian. The quality of communication and teaching by the librarian denotes the success of the library, its programs, and the success of the students in their learning.
   A successful librarian is a committed educator, a good communicator, a leaders and a team player. the staff sees the librarian as playing a powerful  role in the education of their students.